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Lindsay A. Gold, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, STEM Mathematics

Full-Time Faculty

School of Education and Health Sciences: Teacher Education


Email: Lindsay Gold, Ph.D.
Phone: 937-229-3378
Raymond L. Fitz Hall, Room 680R
Curriculum Vitae: Read CV


  • Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction Mathematics Education, Ohio University, 2016
  • M.Ed., Educational Leadership-Principal Licensure, University of Dayton, 2004
  • B.S., Elementary Education, University of Dayton, 2001

Professional Activities

  • TODOS: Mathematics for ALL, Excellence and Equity in Mathematics 
  • North American Community: Uniting for Equity
  • Advisory Committee Member, Teachers Teaching with Technology 
  • Ohio Association of Teacher Educators
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  • Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  • Mathematical Association of America
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children
  • Women and Mathematics

Research Interests

  • STEM education
  • Financial literacy
  • Early childhood education
  • Elementary education
  • Teacher education
  • Mathematics education
  • Professional development

Selected Publications

Gold, L.A. (2024, August 12). Best personal loans for students. WalletHub, Expert Commentary.

Gold, L. A. (2024, March 12). Best credit cards without SSN requirements. Expert Commentary.

Gold, L. A. (2024, January 17). Best and worst metro areas for STEM professionals (2024). Expert Commentary.

Gold, L. A. (2023, October 2). Finding the best checking account. WalletHub, Expert Commentary.

Gold, L. A. (2023, September 18). Personal loans for bad credit. WalletHub, Expert Commentary.

Gold, L. A. (2023, July 15). Improving credit scores using credit cards for bad credit. WalletHub, Expert Opinion.

Gold, L. A., & Bogard, T. (2022). Financial literacy in the elementary grades. EBSCO’s Pathways  to Research. 

Lawless Frank, K. & Gold, L. A. (2022). STEAM and students with disabilities. EBSCO’s  Pathways to Research. Students%20with%20Disabilities

Gold, L. A. (2022). Financial literacy in the primary grades: Investing in students’ futures. Texas Mathematics Teacher, 68(1), 26–29. 

Gold, L. A. (2021). Financial literacy in the Ohio K–2 classroom: A mixed-methods study. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary, and Early Years Education. DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1905018

Gold, L. A. (2021). After the fall: A story of hope and perseverance. The Elementary STEM Journal, 25(3), 26–31.

Driskell, S. O., Gold, L. A., & Herick, D. (2020). Tiny Houses, Big Learning. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 85, 18–30.

Evans, L. A., & Gold, L. A. (2019). Premathematics skills in infants: Numerosity as a game. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood.

Gold, L. A. (2018). Financial Literacy in the Elementary Classroom: Integrate not Recreate. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics.

Gold, L. A., Ashurst, J. M. (2018). Stacking Algebraic Thinking. Mathematics Teacher/National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 111(7), 560.


Gold, L. A., Houston, M. S., Bay-Williams, J. M., Ashurst, J. M. (2018)., On the Money: Math Activities to Build Financial Literacy K-5 (pp. 206). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Selected Presentations


Gold, L. A. (2023, April 28), Using coding and social and emotional learning to teach mathematics  in the elementary classroom. Presentation at the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education  Conference, Toronto, Ontario Canada.  

Meli, A., & Gold, L. A. (2023, April 28), Financial math with TI-Nspire. Presentation at the  Ontario Association for Mathematics Education Conference, Toronto, Ontario Canada.  

Gold, L. A. (2023, April 27), Reimagining mathematics education across the grade levels.  Featured Speaker Presentation at the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education  Conference, Toronto, Ontario Canada.  

Gold, L. A., Houston, M. (2023, February 11), It all makes cents: Connecting mathematics with  financial literacy. Presentation at the T3International Conference, Ft. Worth, TX.  

Gold, L. A., Houston, M. (2023, February 10), What does it mean to be financially literate and  why is it important? Presentation at the T3International Conference, Ft. Worth, TX.  

Gold, L. A., Williams, M., Thibodeaux, S. (2023, February 10), New T3instructor – Being an  instructor 101. Presentation at the T3International Conference, Ft. Worth, TX. 

Lawless Frank, Catherine, & Gold, L. A. (2021, October 22). Special education preservice teachers’self-efficacy towards teaching STEAM. Presentation at the 2021 NAC: UE  Interdisciplinary Education Conference, Virtual. 

Lawless Frank, Catherine, & Gold, L. A. (2021, June 3). Special education preservice teachers’ self-efficacy towards teaching STEAM. Presentation at the International Scientific Online Conference: Comparative Pedagogy in Cross-Disciplinary Dimensions, Virtual. 

Gold, L. A. (2021, February 27). Who are math people? Presentation at the T3International Conference, Virtual. 

Houston, M., & Gold, L. A. (2020, March 14). On the Money: Percents, ratios, and money with TI technology. Presentation at the T3International Conference, Dallas, TX. (Conference canceled due to COVID-19). 

Gold, L. A., & Schwieterman, B. (2020, March 13). Teaching STEAM in the elementary classroom through coding. Presentation at the T3International Conference, Dallas, TX. (Conference canceled due to COVID-19). 

Gold, L. A., Sturgill, D. (2019, March 9). After the fall: A STEAM activity with humpty dumpty. Presentation at the T3International Conference, Baltimore, MD. 

Sturgill, D., & Gold, L. A. (2019, March 9) Tracking and modeling humpty dumpty: Companion activity to “After the Fall". Presentation at the T3International Conference, Baltimore, MD. 


Ashurst, J., Gold, L. A., Houston, M., & Campe, K. (2023, October 27). Connecting  trigonometry and geometry in an inclusive classroom. Presentation at the National Council of  Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, Washington D.C. 

Gold, L. A., Ashurst, J., & Houston, M. (2023, October 26). Using coding and social-emotional  learning to teach mathematics in the elementary classroom. Presentation at the National  Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, Washington D.C.

Gold, L. A., Ashurst, J., & Houston, M. (2022, October 1). Using coding and SEL to teach mathematics in the elementary classroom. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, CA. 

Gold, L. A., & Houston, M. (2022, March 26). It all makes cents: Connecting mathematics to  financial literacy. Presentation at the T3 Learns Summit, Dallas, TX. 

Lawless Frank, C. & Gold, L. A. (2022, February 1–4). Collaborative STEAM instruction to  promote preservice teachers’ self-efficacy. Presentation at the Council for Exceptional  Children’s Special Education Convention & Expo, Virtual. 

Gold, L. A., Ashurst, J., & Houston, M. (2021, April 21–24). Using coding and SEL to teach mathematics in the elementary classroom. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, St. Louis, MO. (Accepted but declined due to UD travel restrictions.) 

Ashurst, J., Gold, L. A., & Houston, M. (2021, April 21–24). Old school geometry.  Presentationat the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, St. Louis, MO. (Accepted but declined due to UD travel restrictions.) 

Ashurst, J., Gold, L. A., & Houston, M. (2021, April 21–24). Making sense of rational number division through modeling. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of  MathematicsAnnual Meeting and Exposition, St. Louis, MO. (Accepted but declined due to  UD travel restrictions.) 

Ashurst, J., Gold, L. A., & Houston, M. (2020, April 3). Making sense of rational number division through modeling. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of  Mathematics Centennial Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago, IL. (Conference  canceled due to COVID-19). 

Evans, L. A., & Gold, L. A. (2020, February 24). What is calendar time: A case study of traditions learned. Research poster at the Conference of Academic Research in Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Ashurst, J. M., Gold, L. A., Houston, M. S. (2019, April 4). Making sense of rational number division through modeling. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference and Exposition, San Diego, CA.

Gold, L. A., Houston, M. S., Ashurst, J. M., National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, "Financial Literacy: Early Investment in Skills and Concepts at the Primary Level," NCTM, Washington, D.C. (April 27, 2018).    

Gold, L. A., Ashurst, J. M., Sturgill, D., NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition, "Financial Literacy in the Primary Grades: The Importance of Investing in the Future Early!," National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Antonio, TX. (April 6, 2017).

Gold, L. A., NCTM Research Conference, "Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Financial Literacy in K Through Grade 2," National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Antonio, TX. (April 5, 2017).


Gold, L. A. & Kettering City Schools. Ohio STEM Learning Network STEM Classroom  Grant Program, Ohio STEM Learning Networks, $5,000. September 5, 2023. (funded) 

Kettering City Schools & Gold, L. A. Coding with TI Innovators. Sponsored by the Aspire Micro-Grant, Dayton Regional STEM Center, $2922.00. April 1, 2020–March 30, 2021. (funded) 

Gold, L. A. The effects of technology on student engagement, learning, and teachers’ perceptions of instructing using an integrated STEAM approach. Sponsored by Research Fellows Grant in-Aid, University of Dayton, $1,500.00. March 2020–December, 2020. (funding eliminated for UD budget cuts) 

Gold, L. A. STEM to STREAM: A mixed-methods study on a professional development model. Sponsored by Research Council Seed Grant, University of Dayton, $6,500.00. January 28, 2019–September 30, 2019. (funded)

Teaching Acknowledgments & Awards

T3 National Instructor. Texas Instruments’ Teachers Teaching with Technology. (February 2021– Present) 

T3 Regional Instructor. Texas Instruments’ Teachers Teaching with Technology. (March 2018– February 2021)