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Colleen E. Gallagher, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in TESOL

Full-Time Faculty

School of Education and Health Sciences: Teacher Education


Email: Colleen Gallagher, Ph.D.
Phone: 937-229-3271
Raymond L. Fitz Hall, Room 680B
Curriculum Vitae: Read CV


  • Ph.D., Applied Linguistics, Georgetown University, 2012
  • M.S., Applied Linguistics, Georgetown University, 2005
  • B.A., English and Spanish, Xavier University, 2000

Professional Activities

  • Ohio Association of Teacher Educators
  • Ohio TESOL
  • American Association of Applied Linguistics
  • Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Research Interests

  • Teacher education in linguistically responsive instruction and assessment
  • Language socialization
  • Classroom discourse and academic language
  • Biliteracy and bilingual education

Selected Publications

Haan, J., Gallagher, C., and Varandani, L. (in press). Working with linguistically diverse classes across the disciplines: Faculty beliefs. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Haan, J. and Gallagher, C. (2015). Supporting emergent multilingual writers in the high school and university writing classroom. Ohio Journal of English Language Arts, 55(2), 7-14.

Gallagher, C. (2015). Socialization to academic language during kindergarten literacy events. Journal of Language and Education. Advance online publication. Read article >>

King, K. & Gallagher, C. (2008). Love, diminutives and gender socialization in Andean mother-child narrative conversations. In McCabe, A., Bailey, A., & Melzi, G. (Eds.) Research on the development of Spanish-language narratives. New York: Cambridge University Press.