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Susan Davies, Ed.D.

Chair, Department of Counselor Education and Human Services; Professor, School Psychology; Director, Brain Health Collective

Full-Time Faculty

School of Education and Health Sciences: Counselor Education and Human Services


Email: Susan Davies, Ed.D.
Phone: 937-229-3652
Raymond L. Fitz Hall, Room 629A
Curriculum Vitae: Read CV


  • Ed.D., School Psychology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • Ed.S., School Psychology, Miami University
  • M.S., School Psychology, Miami University
  • B.A., Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Licensures & Certifications

  • Nationally Certified School Psychologist, NCSP
  • Licensed School Psychologist by Ohio State Board of Education, #SP548

Courses Taught

  • EDC 517 Shadowing Practicum
  • EDC 538 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
  • EDC 542 Crisis Intervention and Prevention in Educational Settings
  • EDC 571 Biological Bases of Behavior
  • EDC 572 Role and Function of the School Psychologist
  • EDC 573 Orientation to Educational Processes
  • EDC 710, 711, 712 Internship

Professional Memberships

  • Inter-University Council (IUC), Member
  • National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Member
  • Ohio School Psychologists Association (OSPA), Member
  • Southwestern School Psychologists Association (SWOSPA), Member
  • Trainers of School Psychologists (TSP), Member

Service Activities

  • School psychology program director (January 2011-present)
  • School psychology internship coordinator (August 2010-present)
  • Developed ongoing cultural immersion program in South America
  • Faculty advisor for School Psychologists at University of Dayton (SPUD) graduate student organization (Fall 2006- present)
  • Founder and Coordinator, Traumatic Brain Injury Interest Group, NASP

Grants and Sponsored Research

Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program for Professionals

  • Primary Investigator: Meredith Montgomery, University of Dayton
  • Investigators: Dr. Susan Davies and Dr. Elana Bernstein, University of Dayton
  • Funding Organization: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
  • Amount of Award: $1.92 million ($480,000/year for 4 years)
  • Title of Project: Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program for Professionals
  • Role on Project: Investigator

Return to School Program for Students with Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Primary Investigators: Dr. Ann Glang and Deanne Unruh, Center on Brain Injury Research and Training
  • Co-Investigator: Dr. Susan Davies
  • Funding Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Amount Awarded: $2.2 million
  • Period of Grant: January 2020-January 2024
  • Title of Project: Return to School Program for Students with Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Role on Project: Provide input on project methodology, including measurement and protocols; oversee recruitment of comparison sites. 

School-based Support for Families of Students with Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Primary Investigator: Susan C. Davies
  • Funding Organization: School of Education and Health Sciences Summer Research Grant
  • Amount Awarded: $7000.
  • Period of Grant: Summer 2019.
  • Title of Project: School-based Support for Families of Students with Traumatic Brain Injuries

Social and emotional support for students with persistent TBI symptoms

  • Primary Investigator: Susan C. Davies; Co-Investigators: Elana Bernstein, Corinne Daprano
  • Funding Organization: Ohio Department of Public Safety, EMS Division
  • Amount Awarded: $38,589
  • Period of Grant: 2017-18
  • Title of Project: Social and emotional support for students with persistent TBI symptoms

Social and emotional support for students with persistent concussion symptoms

  • Primary Investigator: Susan C. Davies
  • Funding Organization: School of Education and Health Sciences Summer Research Grant
  • Amount Awarded: $7000
  • Period of Grant: Summer 2017
  • Title of Project: Social and emotional support for students with persistent concussion symptoms

Effectiveness of preschool parent TBI training

  • Primary Investigator: Susan C. Davies
  • Funding Organization: Partners for Success and Innovation (PSI)
  • Amount Awarded: $1000
  • Period of Grant: 2017
  • Title of Project: Effectiveness of preschool parent TBI training

Preschool parent training for TBI prevention and response

  • Primary Investigator: Allie Hundley, University of Dayton
  • Funding Organization: Child Injury Action Group
  • Amount Awarded: $1500
  • Period of Grant: Summer 2016
  • Title of Project: Preschool parent training for TBI prevention and response
  • Role on Project: Co-Investigator

Return-to-Learn/Concussion Team Model Development and Implementation

  • Primary Investigator: Susan C. Davies
  • Co-Investigators: Elana Bernstein, Corinne Daprano
  • Funding Organization: Ohio Department of Health
  • Amount Awarded: $56,000
  • Period of Grant: 2015-16
  • Title of Project: Return-to-Learn/Concussion Team Model Development and Implementation

Awards & Honors

  • Alumni Award in Scholarship, University of Dayton (2016)
  • Outstanding Advocacy Activities Award to the University of Dayton School Psychology Program by the National Association of School Psychologists (2015-16)
  • School Psychology Awareness Week Award presented to the University of Dayton School Psychology Program by the National Association of -School Psychologists (2013-14, 2015-16, 2017-18)
  • Scholarship Award, University of Dayton School of Education and Health Sciences (2014)

Research Interests

  • Increasing educator awareness of traumatic brain injury (TBI) incidence
  • Studying the efficacy of specific interventions for traumatic brain injuries
  • Developing model service plans for students with traumatic brain injuries
  • Developing and evaluating cultural immersion experiences

Selected Publications

Books and chapters

Davies, S. C., (2023). Best Practices in Family-School-Medical Agency Collaboration for Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries. In P. L. Harrison & A. Thomas (Eds.), Best Practices in School Psychology-7.  Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

Glang, A., McCart, M., & Davies, S. C. (2021). Educational Issues and Return to School. In Brain Injury Medicine Principles and Practice (3rd edition).

Davies, S. C. & Kolber-Jamieson, A. (2018). Traumatic brain injury/concussions. In S. Forman & J. Shahidullah (Eds.), Handbook of Pediatric Behavioral Healthcare: An Interdisciplinary, Collaborative Approach. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Davies, S. C. (2016). Managing concussions in schools: A guide to recognition, response, and leadership. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. 

Davies, S. C. (2014). Professional collaboration: The integration of schools, families, agencies, and religious institutions within communities. In R. Witte & S. Mosley-Howard (Eds.), Mental health practice in today’s schools: Current issues and interventions. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. View book >> 

Jantz, P., Davies, S. C., & Bigler, E. (2014). Working with TBI in Schools: Transition, Assessment, and Intervention. Routledge Publishing. View book >>

Davies, S. C. (2014). Best practices in working with children with traumatic brain injury. In Best Practices in School Psychology VI. Thomas, A. and Harrison, P (Eds.). National Association of School Psychologists. Bethesda, MD.

Peer-reviewed publications

Davies, S. C., McCart, M., Fowler, R., Timms, S., Egan-Johnson, B., & Lundine, J. (in press, 2025). Issues and insights in determining special education eligibility for traumatic brain injury. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals.

Yoder, E. M., Davies, S. C., Montgomery, M. & Lundine, J. P. (published online ahead of print 2024) Exploring the care coordination experiences of professionals and caregivers of youth with acquired brain injuries in rural areas. Disability and Rehabilitation,

McCart, M., & Davies, S. C. (2023). Introduction to the special issue on pedatric educational re-entry after TBI. NeuroRehabilitation, 52, 525-527.

Lundine, J. P., Hagen, E., & Davies, S. C. (2023). Perspectives on care coordination for youth with TBI: Moving forward to provide better care. (2023). NeuroRehabilitation, 52, 515-596.

McCart, M., Unruh, D., Gomez, D., Anderson, D., Gioia, G., Davies, S. C., Haarbauer-Krupa, J., Womack, L. S., Thigpen, S., Brown, L., & Glang, A. (2023). NeuroRehabilitation, 52, 597-604.

Prater, A., Bernstein, E. R., & Davies, S. C. (2023). The impact of a canine-assisted reading intervention on students’ oral reading fluency (ORF) and attitude toward reading. The Reading Teacher, 76(6), 724-734. https://doi:10.1002/trtr.2192

Morrison, J. Q., Albritton, K., Bernstein, E., Davies, S. C., Joseph, L., Mezher, K. R., Reynolds, J., & VanVoorhis, R. W. (published online ahead of print 2022). The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on School Psychology Internship Outcomes. Psychology in the Schools.

Unruh, D., Gomez, D., Slocumb, J., McCart, M., Davies, S. C., Haarbauer-Krupa, J., & Glang, A. (2023). Stakeholder perspectives on the school experiences of students with traumatic brain injury: The Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on service delivery. Journal of School Health, 93(5), 378-385.

Shook, B., Palusak, C., Davies, S. C., & Lundine, J. (2022). A scoping review to inform strategies for youth with traumatic brain injuries: Care coordination tools. International Journal of Care Coordination.

Palusak, C., Shook, B., Davies, S. C., & Lundine, J. (2021). A scoping review to inform strategies for youth with traumatic brain injuries: Care coordination personnel.  International Journal of Care Coordination.

Davies, S. C., Lundine, J. P., & Justice, A. F. (2021). Care coordination for children with special healthcare needs: A scoping review to inform strategies for students with TBI. Journal of School Health.

Anderson, D., Gau, J. M., Beck, L., Unruh, D., Gioia, G., McCart, M., Davies, S. C., Slocumb, J., Gomez, D., & Glang, A. E (2021). Management of return to school following brain injury: An evaluation model. International Journal of Educational Research.

Irwin, A. M., Oberhelman, N. A. & Davies, S. C. (2020). Study abroad and school psychologists’ perceptions of intercultural competence. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(3), 367-376.

Davies, S. C. (2020). School-based support for families of children with traumatic brain injuries. Journal of Applied School Psychology.  DOI: 10.1080/15377903.2020.1734708

Davies, S. C., Hundley, A. E., & Adams, S. M. (2019). Preschool parent training for traumatic brain injury prevention and response. Perspectives on Early Childhood Education, 4(2), 95-114.

Davies, S. C., Bernstein, E. R., & Daprano, C. M. (2019). A qualitative inquiry of social and emotional support for students with persistent concussion symptoms. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 30(2), 156-182. DOI: 10.1080/10474412.2019.1649598

Daprano, C. M., Davies, S. C., & Bernstein, E. R. (2019). Parent Perspectives on Youth Sport Concussion Management. Journal of Amateur Sport, 5, 1-20.

Davies, S. C., Bernstein, E. R., & Crenshaw, M. (2019). A qualitative examination of college services for students with traumatic brain injuries. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 32(2), 133-146.

Bernstein, E. R. & Davies, S. C. (2018) Persistent social-emotional symptoms following concussion: Recommendations for school psychology practice. School Psychology Forum, 12(4), 106-117.

Glang A., McCart, M., Slocumb, J., Gau, J., Davies, S., Gomez, D. & Beck, L. (2018). Preliminary efficacy of online TBI professional development for educators: an exploratory randomized, clinical trial. Journal of Head Trauma and Rehabilitation.

Lopez, L. B., Davies, S. C., & Schaller, M. A. (2018). Training college staff to recognize and respond to concussions. Journal of College and University Student Housing, 45(1), 58-70.

Davies, S. C., Coxe., K, Harvey, H., Singichetti, B., Guo, J. & Yang, J. (2018). Qualitative Evaluation of High School Implementation Strategies for Youth Sports Concussion Laws. Journal of Athletic Training, 53(9).

Davies, S. C., & Tedesco, M. F. (2018). School-based training and consultation to improve concussion recognition and response. Contemporary School Psychology, 22(4), 479-487.

Glang, A. E., McCart, M., Moore, C. L., & Davies, S. C. (2018). School Psychologists’ Knowledge and Self-Efficacy in Working with Students with TBI.Exceptionality Education International, 27, 94-109. 

Kramer, M. & Davies, S. C. (2016). Challenges and supports during the transition from high school to college for students with traumatic brain injuries. Contemporary School Psychology. Doi 10.1007/s40688-016-0095-9

Davies, S. C. (2016). School-Based Traumatic Brain Injury Program and Concussion Management Team. Psychology in the Schools, 53(6), 567-582.

Ettel, D., Glang, A., Todis, B., & Davies, S. C. (2016). TBI: Persistent misconceptions and knowledge gaps among educators. Exceptionality Education International, 26(1), 1-18.

Davies, S. C., & Bird, B. (2015). Motivations for Under-Reporting Suspected Concussion in College Athletics.  Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. , 9, 101-115. View article >>

Davies, S. C., Lewis, A. A., Anderson, A. E., & Bernstein, E. R. (2015). The development of intercultural competency in school psychology graduate students. School Psychology International, 36(4) 375-392.Aldridge, M. J., Bernstein, E. R., & Davies, S. C. (2015).  Graduate preparation of school psychologists in serving English language learners.  Trainers’ Forum.View book >>

Davies, S. C., Sandlund, J., & Lopez, L. (2015). School-based consultation to improve concussion recognition and response. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation.View article >>

Davies, S. C., Trunk, D., & Kramer, M. (2014). Traumatic brain injury and the transition to postsecondary education: Recommendations for student success.  School Psychology Forum, 8(3), 168-181. View article >>

Davies, S. C., & Ray, A. (2014). Traumatic brain injury: The efficacy of a half-day training for school psychologists. Contemporary School Psychology, 18(1)81-89. View book >>

Davies, S. C., Fox, E. E., Glang, A., Ettel, D., & Thomas, C. (2013). Traumatic brain injury and teacher training: A gap in educator preparation. Physical Disabilities and Related Services, 32(1), 55-65.

Davies, S. C. (2013). School psychology programs: Graduate preparation in traumatic brain injury. Trainers’ Forum: Journal of the Trainers of School Psychologists, 31(2), 5-16.

Hunley, S. A., Davies, S. C., & Miller, C. R. (2013). The relationship between curriculum-based measures in oral reading fluency and high-stakes tests for seventh grade students. Research in Middle Level Education Online, 36(5), 1-8.

Davies, S. C., Russo, C. & Osborne, A. G. (2012).  Concussions and student sports: A “silent epidemic.” Education Law into Practice, special section of the Education Law Reporter. 

Miller, C., S.C. Davies, & S. Hunley. (In press). Predicting high stakes test performance. Research in Middle Level Education Online.

Kraemer, L., S.C. Davies, K.J. Arndt, & S.A. Hunley. (2012). A comparison of the mystery motivator and the Get 'Em on Task interventions for off-task behaviors. Psychology in the Schools, 49:163-175.

Ayers, J., & S.C. Davies. (2011). Adolescent dating and intimate relationship violence: Issues and implications for school psychologists. School Psychology Forum, 5(1):1-12.

Davies, S.C., K. Jones, & M.A. Rafoth. (2010). Effects of a self-monitoring intervention on children with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 26:308-326.

Invited book and media reviews

Davies, S. C. (2016). Book review of Living with Brain Injury: Narrative, Community, & Women’s Renegotiation of Identity by J. Eric Steward (New York UP, 2014).  Review appeared in Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 45, 309-311. 

Davies, S. C., Sullivan, T. S., & Timms, S. (2011). Review of the PAR concussion app for smartphones. NASP Communique, 40(4), 15.

Publications in professional organization newspapers, magazines and other periodicals

Davies, S. C. (2019). Helping children at home and school: Traumatic brain injury and concussion. In G. Bear & K. Minke (Eds.), Helping Children Handouts: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Common Concerns at School and Home. Washington, DC: National Association of School Psychologists.

Davies, S. C. & Bernstein, E. R. (2018). Social and emotional support for students with persistent concussion symptoms. The Ohio School Psychologist, 63(2).

Russo, C.J. & Davies, S. (2017). “Recent Federal case spotlights school’s concussion protocol.” Maintaining Safe Schools, 23(12), 6.

Davies, S. C., Tedesco, M. F., Garofano, J. S., & Jantz, P. B. (2016). The school psychologist as concussion team leader. NASP Communique.

Davies, S. C., Russo, C. & Demmitt, A. (2016). Staff training, education heighten concussion awareness. Maintaining Safe Schools, 22(5), 6.

Davies, S. C. (2015). Ohio School Psychologists’ Involvement with Concussion Cases. The Ohio School Psychologist, 59(3), 1, 5-8. 

Davies, S. C. & Gosser, B. (2013).  Conference on the future of school psychology.  The Ohio School Psychologist, 59(1), 8-10.

Davies, S. C., & Jantz, P. (2013).  Traumatic brain injury interest group. NASP Communique, 41(7), 31.

Aldridge, M., Davies, S. C., & Arndt, K. J. (2013).  Is your school prepared for a sexting crisis? Principal Leadership, 13(9), 12-16.

Aldridge, M., Arndt, K. J., & Davies, S. C. (2013). Sexting: You found the sext, what to do next? How school psychologists can assist with policy, prevention, and intervention. The Ohio School Psychologist, 58(2), 1, 6-10. Reprinted (2013) with persmission is MASP Matters: Maine Association of School Psychologists, 24(3), 13-17

Davies, S. C., & Peltz, L. (2012). At-risk students in after school programs: Outcomes and recommendations. Principal Leadership, 13(2), 12-16.

Davies, S. C. & Peltz, L. (in press, Fall 2012). At-Risk Students in After School Programs: Outcomes and Recommendations. Principal Leadership. View journal >>

Davies, S. C. & La Riche, Autumn (Winter 2012). Cultural immersion experience in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Ohio School Psychologist, 57, 14-17. View journal >>

Davies, S. C. & Jensen, M. (2011).  Cultural immersion experience in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  The Scoop Newsletter, (published by Southwestern Ohio School Psychologists Association), 2-5.

Davies, S.C. (March 2011). Concussions: Mild traumatic brain injuries that can occur on and off the field. Principal Leadership, 12-16.

Davies, S.C. (2011). Concussion awareness: Getting school psychologists into the game. NASP Communique, 39(7).

Davies, S.C. (2011). Concussions: Mild traumatic brain injuries that can occur on and off the field. Principal Leadership, 12-16.

Doran-Myers, D., & S.D. Gfroerer. (2010). School-based services for traumatized refugee children. NASP Communique Online Exclusive, 39(5).

Gfroerer, S.D. (2010). Traumatic brain injury: Transition and intervention. Southwestern Ohio School Psychologists Association Newsletter, 2-4.

Walk, A., & S.C. Davies. (2010). Munchausen syndrome by proxy: Identification and intervention. NASP Communique, 39(4).

Media Contributions and Features

Davies, S. C., Kladias, A., Bernstein, E., & Montgomery, M. (Spring 2022). Behavioral health workforce education and training at the University of Dayton. The Ohio School Psychologist.

Solesbee, C. & Davies, S. C. (2021). Data-based decision-making within an MTSS framework for students with concussion/TBI. NASP Communique, 50(4), 18-20.

Davies, S. C., & Walsh-Messinger, J. (October 29, 2021). How to help kids with 'long COVID' thrive in school. The Conversation.

Reprinted in the Atlanta Journal November 2, 2021 and 60 other news outlets November 7&8, 2021

Davies, S. C., Walsh-Messinger, J., & Greenspan, N. (2021). Supporting students with post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Applying lessons learned from postconcussion symptoms. NASP Communique, 50(1), 1; 18-20.

Davies, S. C., Lundine, J., Wade, S. & Glang, A. (2020). Brain injury is treatable. Brain Injury Professional, 16(4), 24-26.

Mosca, E. N., & Davies, S. C. (2020). University of Dayton school psychology program: Training in interventions and mental health services to develop social and life skills (NASP Domain 4). The Ohio School Psychologist (TOSP), 64(4), 9-11.

Davies, S. C., & Solesbee, C. (2020). Traumatic brain injury, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) interest group. Communique, 48(5), 35.

Davies, S. C. (2019). Concussions and Return to School: What Parents Need to Know.

The Conversation.

Davies, S. C. (2019). Helping children at home and school: Traumatic brain injury and concussion. In G. Bear & K. Minke (Eds.), Helping Children Handouts: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Common Concerns at School and Home. Washington, DC: National Association of School Psychologists.

Created "Social and emotional support for students with concussions" (May 2018). A brief animated video designed for school psychologists and school counselors. Provided to Ohio Department of Public Safety, EMS Division.

“Kids & Concussions. It’s Not Just Sports” (May 2018). 90-Second Lecture created for the University of Dayton.

Interviewed for “Academic Minute" (March 24, 2017). The Academic Minute is a platform for professors from top universities across the country to share “groundbreaking research and how that research helps us understand and solve the big problems that matter to us all.” Produced by WAMC/Northeast Public Radio, it airs in nearly 70 markets across the country. Inside Higher Ed, a leading website on higher education news, also shares the program daily.

Interviewed for Columbus Radio Group (March 5, 2017). Concussions in children and recovery.

Developed content for Ohio Department of Health website (2017). Return to learn: A concussion team model. Includes handbook, comprehensive team training video, teacher training video, handouts, and sample policies.

Featured in University of Dayton Magazine (Winter 2016-17). Hard Knocks: Concussions, children and our schools.

Davies, S. C. (November 2016). Assessment of students with traumatic brain injuries. Webinar, as part of series for Oregon TBI Teams Training. Sponsored by Center for Brain Injury Research and Training.

Davies, S. C. (September 2016). Managing concussions in schools: Return to Learn! Webinar sponsored by Partners for Success and Innovation.