Kurt Jackson, PT, PhD
Neurology Coordinator; Professor
Full-Time Faculty
School of Education and Health Sciences: Department of Physical Therapy
- Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Science, The Union Institute and University, 2001
- M.P.T. in Physical Therapy, Loma Linda University, 1992
- B.S. in Health Science, Loma Linda University, 1992
Licensures & Certifications
- Licensed Ohio Physical Therapist
Courses Taught
- TPD 818 Neuroscience
- DPT 963 Clinical Pathology: Neurology
- DPT 973 Clinical Skills Lab: Neurology
- DPT 983 Clinical Issues Seminar: Neurology
Professional Activities
- Consultant for rehabilitation product development, South Paw Enterprises and M.A.S.S. Rehab.
- Clinical Advisory Committee for the Dayton Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society
- American Physical Therapy Association
Service Activities
- Speaks at local multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and stroke groups
- Provides home assessments for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Provides pro-bono services for multiple individuals with neurological disorders
- Volunteers at annual walks for multiple sclerosis and arthritis
- Writes a monthly column on senior health and exercise for "The Senior Chronicle"
- Provides balance screenings at numerous senior health fairs
- Serves on the Health Advisory Committee at Kettering Seventh Day Adventist Church
Research Briefs
Journal Articles
Sample R, Jackson K, Kinney A, Bigelow K. Manual and cognitive dual-tasks contribute to Fall-Risk differentiation in posturography measures. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2016; 32(3): 541-547
Rodrigues C, Jackson K, Barrios J, Laubach L, Edginton-Bigelow K. Task-Oriented Ankle and Foot Training for Improving Gait, Balance, and Strength in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study. JEMonline 2016;1(1):1-13.
Ordway, J.D., Laubach, L.L., Vanderburgh, P.M., Jackson, K.J., The effects of backwards running training on forward running economy in trained males. Journal of strength and conditioning research. 2016;30(3): 763-7 .
Smith K, Jackson K, Bigelow K, Laubach L. A Multi-Directional Treadmill Training Program for Improving Gait, Balance, and Mobility in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: A Case Series. Int J of Exer Sci. 2015; 8(4): 372-384,
Bigelow K, Jackson K. Immediate Influence of Carbon Composite Ankle Foot Orthoses on Balance and Gait in Individuals with Peripheral Neuropathy: A Pilot Study. J Prosth Orth. October 2014;4(26)
Smoot-Reinert S, Jackson K, Bigelow K. Using Posturography to Examine the Immediate Effects of Vestibular Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Feasibility Study. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr 2014 Nov 6 [Epub ahead of print]
Trubee NW, Vanderburgh PM, Diestelkamp WS, Jackson KJ. Effects of heat stress and sex on pacing in marathon runners. J Strength Cond Res. Oct 2013 (Epub ahead of print).
Jackson KJ, Edginton-Bigelow K. Measures of balance performance are affected by a rested versus fatigued testing condition in people with multiple sclerosis. Phys Med Rehabil. November 2013;5(11): 949-946.
Long L, Jackson KJ, Laubach L. A Home-based Exercise Program for the Foot and Ankle to Improve Balance, Muscle Performance and Flexibility in Community Dwelling Older Adults: A Pilot Study. Int J Phys Med Rehabil 2013, 1:3.
Jackson KJ, Edginton-Bigelow K. Kickboxing: A creative approach to improving balance in patients with multiple sclerosis. Lower Extremity Review. March 2013: 14-18.
Jackson K, Edginton-Bigelow K, Cooper C, Merriman H. A group kickboxing program for balance, mobility, and quality of life in individuals with multiple sclerosis: A pilot study. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2012;36(3):131-137.
Jackson KJ, Edginton-Bigelow K, Bowsheir C, Weston M, Grant E. Feasibility and effects of group kickboxing program for individuals with multiple sclerosis: A pilot report. J Body Mov Ther. 2012 Jan;16(1):7-13
Merriman HL, Brahler CJ, Jackson K. Systematically controlling for the influence of age, sex, hertz and time post-whole-body vibration exposure on four measures of physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: a randomized cross-over study. Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res. 2011;2011:747094. Epub 2011 Sep 29.
Jackson KJ, Merriman HL, Campbell J. Use of an elliptical machine for improving functional walking capacity in individuals with chronic stroke: a case series. Journal of Neurological Rehabilitation. 2010 34: 168-174.
Jackson K, Merriman H. Whole body vibration: neuro-rehab applications. Lower Extremity Review. January 2010: 43-47.
Merriman HL, Jackson KJ. The use of whole-body vibration in aging adults: a systematic review. Journal of Geriatric Rehabilitation. 2009; 32:134-145.
Jackson, K.J., Merriman H.L., Vanderburgh P.M., Brahler C.J. Acute Effects of whole-body vibration on lower-extremity muscle performance in persons with multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2008; 32:171-176.
Jackson KJ, Mulcare JA, Duncan RC. Effects of Seat-Tube Angle on the Metabolic Cost of the Cycle-Run Transition in Triathletes. JEPonline 2008; 11(1):45-52.
Jackson et al. Home balance training intervention for people with multiple sclerosis. Int J MS Care. 2007;9:111–117.
Jackson KJ, Mulcare JA, Petersen DR: Physiologic Responses During Un-weighted Ambulation of Patients With Below-Knee Amputation: A Pilot Study. Physical Therapy Case Reports, 2(3), pp. 99-103, May 1999.
Book Chapters
Jackson KJ. (2013) Multiple Sclerosis. In ACSM's Guide to Exercise Testing and Prescription (9thEd). Philadelphia: Lippincot Williams & Wilkins.
Jackson K.J., Mulcare, J.A. (2009). Multiple sclerosis. In Durstine, J.L., Moore, G.E., eds.), ACSM's Exercise management for persons with chronic diseases and disabilities (3rd Ed). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Jackson KJ, Mulcare JA. Multiple Sclerosis. In: Myers J, Nieman D, eds. ACSM's Resources for Clinical Exercise Physiology: Musculoskeletal, Neuromuscular, Neoplastic, Immunologic, and Hematologic Conditions (2nd Ed). Philadelphia: Lippincot Williams & Wilkins; 2009: 34-43.
Jackson, K.J. Mulcare, J.A. (2007). Neuromuscular diseases and exercise. In Kaminski, L.A. Editor (5th Ed). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Jackson KJ, Mulcare JA, Neuromuscular Diseases. In ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (5th Ed).
Mulcare JA, Jackson KJ. Multiple Sclerosis and Exercise. In Clinical Exercise Physiology: Application and Principles, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. ACSM's resource manual for guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (5th Ed). Human Kinetics, 2005.
Jackson KJ, Mulcare JA. Multiple Sclerosis. In ACSM's Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities (2nd Ed), Human Kinetics, 2003.