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Betsy K. Donahoe-Fillmore, PT, PhD, PCS

Pediatrics Coordinator; Associate Professor

Full-Time Faculty

School of Education and Health Sciences: Department of Physical Therapy


Email: Betsy Donahoe-Fillmore, PT, PhD, PCS
Phone: 937-229-5604
Raymond L. Fitz Hall, Room 207D
Curriculum Vitae: Read CV


  • Ph.D. in Education and Physical Therapy, Union Institute and University, 2002
  • M.S. in Pediatric Emphasis, University of Indianapolis, 1992
  • B.S. in Allied Health Professions, Ohio State University, 1988

Courses Taught

  • DPT 810 Professional Seminar I: Health Care
  • DPT 811 Professional Seminar II: Clinical Practice
  • DPT 846 Maturation Science I
  • DPT 847 Maturation Science II
  • DPT 910 Professional Seminar III: Leadership and Management
  • DPT 911 Professional Seminar IV: Business and Marketing
  • DPT 912 Professional Seminar V: Professional Development
  • DPT 974 Clinical Skills Lab: Neurology II
  • DPT 977 Clinical Skills Lab: Advanced Therapy I
  • DPT 984 Clinical Issues Seminar: Neurology II
  • DPT 987 Clinical Issues Seminar: Advanced Therapy I

Professional Activities

  • American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), 1988-present
  • Ohio Physical Therapy Association (OPTA), 2006-present
  • Children's Hospital Medical Center, 2005-2010
  • Puerto Rico Council on Higher Education Advisory Board for Master of Science Program, University of Puerto Rico, 2004
  • PTA Advisory Board, Clark State Community College, 2002-2010
  • PTA Advisory Board, Sinclair Community College, 1999-2003

Service Activities

  • University of Dayton Physical Therapy Program Committees, present
  • University of Dayton Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee, 2010-present
  • University of Dayton Graduate Academic Affairs Committee, 2006-09
  • American Cancer Society, 2000-present
  • Ohio State University Alumni Club, 1998-present
  • St. Mary's Church, 1998-present
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Day Committee, 2002-03
  • American Cancer Society, Relay for Life Committee, 2002-03

Research Interests

  • Pediatric physical therapy
  • Women's and female adolescents' health and fitness

Selected Publications

Suckow D, Brahler CJ, Donahoe-Fillmore B, Fisher MI, Anloague, PA The Association Between Critical Thinking and Scholastic Aptitude on First-time Pass Rate of the National Physical Therapy Examination. Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research. 2015: 8(3);71-77.

Donahoe-Fillmore B, Fisher MI, Brahler CJ. The Effects of Home-Based Pilates in Healthy College-Aged Women. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy. 2015; 39(2):83-94.

Carmosino K, Grzeszczak A, McMurray K, Olivo A, Slutz B, Zoll B, Donahoe-Fillmore B, Brahler CJ. Test Items in the Complete and Short Forms of the BOT-2 that Contribute Substantially to Motor Performance Assessments in Typically Developing Children 6-10 Years of Age. Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research. 2014: 7(2);32-43.

Fisher, M.I., Donahoe-Fillmore, B., Leach, L., O'Malley, C., Paeplow, C., & Merriman, H. (2014). Effects of Yoga on Arm Volume among Women with Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema: A Pilot Study. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, (2014), doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2014.02.006. View article >>

Burnett, R., N. Cornett, G. Rekart, B. Donahoe-Fillmore, C.J. Brahler, S. Aebker, and M. Kreill. (2011). Investigating the Associations Between Core Strength, Postural Control and Fine Motor Performance in Children. Journal of Student Physical Therapy Research, 4(2): 40-47.

Donahoe-Fillmore, B. , C.J. Brahler, M. Insana Fisher, and K. Beasley. (2010). The Effect of Yoga Postures on Balance, Flexibility and Strength in Healthy Adolescent Females. Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy, 34: 10-17.

Brahler, C.J., W. Stephens, and B. Donahoe-Fillmore. (2009). Field Testing Adolescent Females for Cardiovascular Disease Risk. JEP Online, 12(3): 24-33.

Donahoe-Fillmore, Betsy, Niccia M. Hanahan, Mindy l. Mescher, E. Darnel Clapp, Nancy R. Addison, and Courtney R. Weston. (2007). The Effects of a Home Pilates Program on Muscle Performance and Posture in Healthy Females: A Pilot Study. Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy, 31: 6-11.

Jackson, Kurt, Janet A. Mulcare, Betsy Donahoe-Fillmore, H. Ira Fritz, and Mary M. Rodgers. (2007). Home Balance Training Intervention for People with Multiple Sclerosis. Int J MS Care, 9:111-117.

Conover, K. J. Jackson, and B. K. Fillmore. (1997). So You Want to Do PBL, Where Do You Begin? (Abstract). Physical Therapy, 77(5).

Donahoe, B. K. (1995). Congenital and Development Deformities in Children. Rehabilitating the Foot and Ankle. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby.

Donahoe, B. K. (1995). Splinting and Casting in the Pediatric Patient. Rehabilitating the Foot and Ankle. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby.

Donahoe, B. K., and Turner D. Worrell. (1994). The Use of Functional Reach as a Measurement of Balance in Healthy Boys and Girls Age 5-15. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 6:189-193.

Donahoe, B. K. (1993). The Use of Functional Reach as a Measurement of Balance in Healthy Boys and Girls Age 5-15. (Abstract). Physical Therapy, 73: 571.

Donahoe, B. (1992). Critical Review of Developmental Intervention for Low Birth Weight Infants: Improved Early Developmental Outcome. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 4: 210-211.