Laura Eloe
Adjunct Faculty
College of Arts and Sciences: Religious Studies
- Ph.D., Theology, University of Dayton, 2019
- M.A., Theology, University of Dayton, 1991
- B.S., Education: Secondary Religious Education and Secondary Mathematics Education, University of Dayton, 1984
I’m a life-long Catholic with a deep appreciation for and commitment to Catholic education. I taught mathematics and theology for 29 years at Chaminade Julienne High School in Dayton, Ohio, and mathematics at the University of Dayton and Utah State University before returning to UD in 2013 for graduate studies. Most broadly, I am interested in located theology, that is, in looking at the way the particularities of culture, nationality, family background, education, and physical and historical setting mediate God's revelation to us individually and communally as we live in the tension between the here-and-now Kingdom and the yet-to-come Kingdom.
Professional activities
- College Theology Society
- American Catholic Historical Association
- American Catholic Historical Society
- American Teilhard Association
- Editor of Teilhard Studies
Courses taught
- REL 103: Introduction to Religious and Theological Studies for the Sustainability/Energy/
Environment Integrated Living/Learning Community - REL 103: Introduction to Religious and Theological Studies
- REL 228/250: Faith Traditions: The Church in the Modern World
- REL 500C: Foundations of Church History and Historical Theology
Selected publications and presentations
"'Do Not Conform to the Pattern of This World:' On the Boundaries We Create and the Fruits of Letting Them Go" for Harding University's Theology and ___________ Series, Searcy, Ark., March 25, 2024.
“Teilhard's Mystical Essays in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition” at the Catholic Intellectual Tradition Symposium, University of Dayton, Jan. 30, 2023.
"Crossing Our Boundaries: Math History for Theologians and Philosophers" at La Société Internationale d'Etudes sur Alfred Loisy, American Academy of Religion, Denver, Nov. 19, 2022.
“Knowledge in Pursuit of Truth: Édouard Le Roy and the Twentieth-Century French Intellectual Community as Inspiration for the Science and Religion Conversation in Twenty-First-Century America” at the Institute for Religion and Science, Philadelphia, Nov. 8, 2021.
“Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ: Spirituality for the Storytellers of Creation” at the Marianist Environmental Education Center, Beavercreek, Ohio, Feb. 13, 2021.
"Vocation 'Between the Times': A Rule for the Active Apostolate" at the Conference on Faith and History Biennial Professional Conference, Calvin College, Oct. 5, 2018.
Response to “Development According to Wilfrid Ward: A Deposit of Faith, Its Explication, and the Notion of Semper Eadem” by Elizabeth Farnsworth, Department of Religious Studies Colloquium, April 20, 2018.
“From Newman through Teilhard and Beyond” at the Newman Association of America Conference on Newman and 20th Century Thinkers, Benedictine College, July 2018.
"Prayer for the Apostolate: The Liturgy of the Hours and the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur of the Ohio Province in the United States" at the American Catholic Historical Association Spring Meeting, Mt. Saint Mary's University, April 14, 2018.
Response to "Otto Semmelroth and the Advance of the Church as Sacrament at Vatican II" by Dennis Doyle, Department of Religious Studies Colloquium, Sept. 25, 2015.
"Teilhard's Mathematical Analogies and the Tradition of the Church," in Teilhard Studies 87 (Fall 2023).
Review of The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos by Keith Lemna in Newman Review (August 18, 2021).
"From Newman Through Teilhard and Beyond," in Newman Studies Journal 16/1 (Summer 2019)