Joy Losee
Assistant Professor
Full-Time Faculty
College of Arts and Sciences: Psychology
- Ph.D., University of Florida, 2020
- M.S., University of Florida, 2016
- M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2014
- B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2012
Dr. Losee received her B.S. in Psychology (2012) and M.S. in Experimental Psychology (2014) from Georgia Southern University. She received her Ph.D. in Social Psychology (2020) from the University of Florida.
Dr. Losee's research focuses on people's perceptions of and responses to uncertain threats. Specifically, her research examines how individual differences and personality relate to threat responses. For example, her research examines questions of why some people prepare for environmental threats like hurricanes and others don't, why some people view firearms as a source of safety and others don't, and why some people prefer authoritarian action (e.g., surveillance, censorship, and violence) to address threats and other don't.
Research interests
- Threat effects on decision-making
- Individual differences and personality
- Political psychology
- Environmental psychology
- Social network analysis
Courses taught
- PSY 341: Social Psychology
Selected publications
Webster, G.D., Howell, J.L, Losee, J. E., Mahar, E.A., & Wongsomboon, V. (2021). Culture, COVID-19, and collectivism: A paradox of American exceptionalism? Personality and Individual Differences, 178. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.110853
Losee, J. E., Smith, C.T., & Webster, G.D. (2020). Politics, personality, and impulsivity can color people’s perceptions of—and responses to—hurricane threats of varying severity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. doi: 10.1177/0146167220969021
Losee, J. E., Pogge, G. C., Lipsey, N. P. and Shepperd, J. A. (in press). "Understanding the political divide in gun beliefs." In M. L. Crandall, W. Kessel, J. L., Bronson and S. L. Bonne (Eds.) Why We Are Losing the War on Gun Violence. New York: Springer.
Pogge, G. C., Lipsey, N. P., Losee, J. E. and Shepperd, J. A. (in press). "The need for safety and beliefs about guns." In M. L. Crandall, W. Kessel, J. L., Bronson, & S. L. Bonne (Eds.) Why We Are Losing the War on Gun Violence. New York: Springer.
Shepperd, J. A., Lipsey, N. P., Pogge, G. C. and Losee, J. E. (in press) "Psychological approach to the gun divide in America." Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy.
Losee, J. E., Shepperd, J. A. and Webster, G. D. (2019). "Financial resources and decisions to avoid information about environmental perils." Journal of Applied Social Psychology. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12648.
Klein, R. A., Vianello, M., Hasselman, F., Alper, S., Aveyard, M., Axt, J. R., Losee, J. E. and Nosek, B. A. (2018). "Many labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across sample and setting." Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1, 443-490. doi: 10.1177/2515245918810225.
Losee, J. E. and Joslyn, S. (2018). "The need to trust: How features of the forecasted weather influence forecast trust." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 30, Part A, 95-104. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.02.032.
Shepperd, J. A., Losee, J. E., Pogge, G. C., Lipsey, N. P., Redford, L. and Crandall, M. (2018). "The anticipated consequences of legalizing guns on college campuses." Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 5, 21-34. doi: 10.1037/tam0000097.
Shepperd, J. A., Pogge, G. C., Losee, J. E., Lipsey, N. P. and Redford, L. (2018). "Gun attitudes: United and divided by safety needs." The Journal of Social Psychology, 158, 615-624. doi: 10.1080/00224545.2017.1412932.
Losee, J. E., Naufel K., Locker, L. and Webster, G. D. (2017). "Weather warning uncertainty: High severity influences judgment bias." Weather, Climate, and Society, 9(3), 441-454. doi: 10.1175/WCAS-D-16-0071.1.
Gibson, C. E., Losee, J. E. and Vitiello, C. (2014). "A replication of stereotype susceptibility: Identity salience and shifts in quantitative performance." Social Psychology, 45, 194-198. doi: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000184.