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Francisco J Peñas-Bermejo

Professor in Spanish

Full-Time Faculty

College of Arts and Sciences: Global Languages and Cultures


Email: Francisco J Peñas-Bermejo
Phone: 937-229-2142
HM 357
Website: Visit Site


  • Ph.D., Spanish Literature, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Spanish Literature, University of Georgia
  • B.A., English Philology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Dr. Francisco Peñas-Bermejo is Professor of Spanish Language and Contemporary Spanish Literature. He served as department chair from 2006-19. He received the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Scholarship Award in 1999. He is the director of the UD study abroad program Summer in Segovia, Spain. He was president of Spanish Professionals in America (2010-2012). Currently, he is a Full Member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language and a Corresponding Member of the Royal Spanish Academy.

Faculty perspective

"I am committed to following an American tradition that started in 1780 to study languages. Over 240 years ago, politicians and business leaders, including John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and James Boudoin- founded the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. One of the 10 topics they pursued in support of America’s economic, social and strategic interests was the study of languages. They believed that an appreciation for the plurality of languages would improve communication domestically and internationally, and would also help the new nation understand its place in a changing world.

In that vein, I assist my students in developing language and intercultural skills so they can interact appropriately and effectively with native speakers of Spanish in the U.S. and abroad. At the same time, my students further delve into the appreciation of literatures and cultures as well as into issues of sustainability and social justice. My practical approach to learning Spanish is founded in the Marianist ideal of educating global citizens, versatile professionals who can work in fluid cultural and linguistic contexts around the world, and committed graduates who use their talents and gifts for the common good in the service of multiple others in local and international settings."

Courses taught

  • SPN 491. Independent Study: Spain Today: Films, Music, Festivals I, II; Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer - Legends and Rhymes; Julia Uceda's Poetry; Don Quixote; Cervantes's Exemplary Novels; Cela's La Colmena.
  • SPN 471. Topics from 20th and 21st Century Spanish Literature: Terror and Eroticism in the Narrative of Gregorio Morales; Twentieth Century Spanish Theater; Contemporary Short Stories in Spain; Women Poets in Spain.
  • SPN 472. Topics in Contemporary Spanish-American Literature and Film: Twentieth Century Latin American Poetry.
  • SPN 450Topics in Pre-20th Century Spanish Literature: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer - Legends and Rhymes; Golden Age Spanish Poetry.
  • SPN 387. Sustainability in Spanish.
  • SPN 370. Study Abroad: Legends of Segovia.
  • SPN 361 and SPN 362. Survey of Spanish Literature I, II.
  • SPN 341. Spanish Culture & Civilization.
  • SPN 321. Spanish Composition I.
  • SPN 311 and SPN 312. Spanish Conversation I, II.
  • SPN 201 and SPN 202. Intermediate Spanish I, II.
  • SPN 101 and SPN 141. Basic Proficiency in Spanish I, II.

Research interests

  • Contemporary Spanish Poetry
  • Women Poets in Spain and in Latin America
  • Cuban Poets
  • Intersections of Poetry, Physics, and Philosophy.

Selected publications


Ed.  Estado de palabra: antología poética (1956-2002)/ Rafael Guillén. Edición y estudio preliminar de Francisco J. Peñas-Bermejo. Sevilla: Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2003.

Ed. Poetas cubanos marginados. Selección e introducción de Francisco J. Peñas-Bermejo. El Ferrol: S.C. V-I., 1998.

Poesía existencial española del siglo XX. Madrid: Pliegos, 1993.

Ed. Julia Uceda. Poesía. Edición de Francisco J. Peñas-Bermejo. El Ferrol: S.C.V-I. (Col. Esquío), 1991.

Critical Introductions

“La personalizada configuración poética de Antonio Hernández.” Prólogo. En Antonio Hernández, Insurgencias. Poesía 1965-2007. 2 volúmenes. Madrid: Calambur, 2010, Vol. 1. 9-44.

“Introducción. La Pluralidad del “Yo” en la poesía de Manuel Mantero”. Manuel Mantero. Como llama en el diamante. Poesía. Obras Completas I. Sevilla: R.D. Editores, 2007. 7-42

“El asedio a los límites en la poesía de Rafael Guillén”. Los estados transparentes. Nueva versión revisada y ampliada. By Rafael Guillén. Valencia: Pre-textos y Diputación de Granada, 1998. 9-34.

Book Chapters

“’Iza el amor sus poderosas velas’ en el siglo XXI”. Naturaleza de lo invisible. La poesía de Rafael Guillén. Ed. José Jurado Morales. Madrid: Visor Libros, 2016. 313-333.

“Quantum Literature”. The World of Quantum Culture. John Murphy and Manuel Caro, eds.Westport, CT: Praeger. 2002. 47-60.

“Modos de conciencia en la poesía de José Hierro”. José Hierro: mi voz en la voz de los otros. Sociedad de Cultura Valle-Inclán  (“La barca de loto”), 2000. 121-135.


“Palabra y fotografía interactivas en la narrativa de Gerardo Piña-Rosales”. La presencia hispana y el español de Estados Unidos. Unidad en la diversidad. Rosa Tezanos Pinto (ed). New York, NY: ANLE, 2017. 211-228.

“Incertidumbre y relámpagos en Refranero de dudas de Fernando Operé”. La poesía de Fernando Operé. Prosopopeya 10 (2016): 163-175.

“La circularidad del ‘Conócete a ti mismo’ en la poesía de Andrés Sánchez Robayna”.  RANLE, vol. 2 (4), 2013: 578-591.

“El discurso cuántico-narrativo en Nómadas del tiempo, de Gregorio Morales” Alhucema. Revista Internacional de Teatro y Literatura 25 (Enero-Junio, 2011): 244-253.

“Física y poesía”. Einstein: un científico humanista. República de las Letras 94 (febrero 2006): 144-167.

“Tesitura del verso y rúbrica de la tierra en la poesía de Manuel Ríos Ruiz”. Salina. Revista de Lletres 19 (novembre, 2005): 147-152.

“El mundo cuántico en la poesía de Gregorio Morales”.  Lorca: Taller del Tiempo. Coordinadores Pedro Guerrero Ruiz et alt. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 2005. 145-156.

“Estética cuántica y la narrativa de Gregorio Morales”. Elvira. Revista de Estudios Filológicos 9 (2004): 7-26.

“Pensamiento reflexivo y poético en la lírica de Jesús Hilario Tundidor”. El cielo de Salamanca. Revista cultural euroamericana 3 (2001): 129-141.

“Mujer y revolución: dinámica de una síntesis en la poesía de Yolanda Blanco”. Journal of Hispanic Research 2, 3 (October 2001): 235-244.


Selected presentations

“María Fernanda Espinosa: Palabra que trastorna y encarama”. CILH (Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos), Quito (Ecuador). March, 2018.

“Aromas invisibles en El olor de la azalea de Manuel Mantero”. New York, Intersecciones hispánicas en Estados Unidos. Spanish Professionals in America (ALDEEU), June 3, 2016.

“Serpiente y selva en la poesía de Ana Merino”. SAMLA, Raleigh-Durham (North Carolina), November 2015.

Keynote Address. “Física y literatura: transferencias y consonancias”.  New York University – King Juan Carlos I of    Spain Center, April 3, 2015.

 “El discurso cuántico-narrativo en Nómadas del tiempo, de Gregorio Morales”. MIFLC. University of North Carolina at Wilmington, October, 2008.

“Quantum Culture and Cultural Diversity.” Cultural Diversity in a Globalising World. The Globalism Institute. University of Hawai’i, Honolulu, February, 2003.

“La intimidad trascendida en la poesía de Sara Pujol”. Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C., October, 2001.

“La clásica modernidad poética de Manuel Mantero”. Homenaje a Manuel Mantero. University of Georgia, Athens, GA, March, 2001.

“El desafío vital ante la claroscura nada en la poesía de Ana María Fagundo". Poetic Discourses at Play: Hispanic, Luso- Brasilian and Latino/a Poetry Conference". University of California at Irvine. April, 2000.

“Mujer y revolución: dinámica de una síntesis en la poesía de Yolanda Blanco”. Séptimo Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana. Managua (Nicaragua), March, 1999.