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Elizabeth Ann Mackay

Associate Professor; Director of Core Integrated Studies Program

Full-Time Faculty

College of Arts and Sciences: Core, English


Email: Elizabeth Mackay
HM 217


  • Ph.D., Early Modern English Literature (1500-1700) and Rhetoric, Miami (Ohio) University, 2007
  • M.A., English Literature, Appalachian State University, 2001
  • B.S., Secondary English, Appalachian State University, 1996

Research interests

  • Early Modern Rhetoric and Rhetorical Theory
  • Tudor/Stuart Drama
  • Shakespeare
  • Early Modern Women Writers
  • Histories of Education and Pedagogy
  • Historical and Modern Popular Cultures
  • Theories of Gender and Sexuality

Selected publications and presentations


"Early Modern Zenobias: Ars Historica, Crafting Women's Histories and Composing Women's Imagined Communities," Women's History Today, Special Edition: Early Modern Women 3, no. 2 (2021), 5-13.

"The Teaching Gig: Journeys in Faith Traditions, Popular Fictions, and the Vocation of Learning," in Engagin with Vocation on Campus: Supporting Students' Vocational Discernment through Curricular and Co-Curricular Approaches, eds. Karen Lovett and Stephen Wilhoit (New York: Routledge, 2022), 83-94.

“50 Shades of Elizabeth; or, ‘Doing History’ in Pop Fiction,” in Remembering Queens and Kings in Early Modern France and England: Reputation, Reinterpretation, and Reincarnation, ed. Estelle Paranque (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 259-278.

“Rhetorical Intertextualities of M. R.’s The Mothers Counsell, or Live Within Compass, 1630,” Women Writers in Context (Women Writers Project, Northeastern University), March 2019. View online >

"Rhetorical Intertextualities of M.R., The Mothers Counsell, Or Live Within Compasse," Women Writers Project: The Blog.

With Rebecca Potter, "Ophelia's Mother: The Phantom of Maternity in Shakespeare's Hamlet," in The Absent Mother in the Cultural Imagination: Missing, Presumed Dead, ed. Berit Astrom (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), 127-142.

"Good Grammar, Possessive Pronouns, and Preposterous Possessions in The Taming of the Shrew." Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, 17.1 (2017): 31-67.

"Prosopopoeia, Pedagogy, and Paradoxical Possibility: The 'Mother' in the Sixteenth-Century Grammar School," Rhetoric Review, 33.3 (2014): 201-218.

"Shrew(d) Maternities, Elizabeth Cary’s Life, and Filial Equivocations," Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, 33.2 (2014).

"Shakespeare’s Second Folio." Rose Rare Book Collection. Roesch Library, University of Dayton. Dayton, OH, September – November 2014.

Selected Presentations

"Early Modern English Women Writers and the Arts of Language: Thinking Rhetorically with Shakespeare," Seminar Proposer and Leader, Shakespeare Association of America, March-April 2021.

"Personified Pandemics in Historical Fictions," Virtual Teach-in: Pandemic and the Common Good, University of Dayton, April 2020.

"Early Modern Zenobias: Historical Women’s Writing Groups and the Writing of Women’s Histories," Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference, Harrisonburg, Va., November 2019.

"'I just really want this business to succeed!': Domestic Discourses, Gendered Rhetoric and Entrepreneurship of Bravo TV’s Real Housewives," co-authored with Patrick Thomas. Popular Culture Association Conference, Indianapolis, April 2018.

"50 Shades of Elizabeth; or, ‘Doing History’ in Pop Fiction.” South Central Renaissance Conference, Austin, Texas, April 2017.

"Super She-roes and Faith Traditions: Judith, Wonder Woman, and Kamala Khan.” Women’s History Month Keynote Address, Women and Gender Studies and UD’s Women’s Center, University of Dayton, March 2017.

“Early Modern Women Writers’ Rhetorical (Re)imaginings of Elizabeth I’s Life and Legacy.” South Central Renaissance Conference, St. Louis, March 2016. Essay received Agnes Strickland Award for Best Essay of the Queen Elizabeth I Society.

“Women Novelists’ Historical (Re)imaginings of Elizabeth I,” Invited Speaker, Research Colloquium Series, University of Dayton, November 2015.

“Attending to Kairotic Moments in Early Modern Women’s Writing,” Workshop Leader, Attending to Early Modern Women, Milwaukee, June 2105

“Mother Wits and Rhetorical Legacies in Mothers’ Advice Books.” Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, New Orleans, September 2014.

"Shakespeare’s Second Folio.” Invited Paper, Rose Rare Book Collection. Roesch Library, University of Dayton. Dayton, Ohio, September – November 2014.

"She was a Phoenix queen, so shall she be: Women Writers Writing Elizabeth I’s History.” Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference, Stanford, Calif., September 2013.

“Devil(’s) Dams Delivered: Proverbial Wisdom and the Rhetorical Constructions of Maternity, Child Murder, and Salvation in Early Modern England.” South Central Renaissance Conference, Omaha, Neb., March 2013.

"'The ground of accidents’: Salome and Figurative Exchanges in The Tragedy of Mariam.” Midwest Modern Language Association, Cincinnati, November 2012.