Albert Fratini
Professor Emeritus
College of Arts and Sciences: Chemistry
- Post Doctoral, National Academy of Science-Naval Research Laboratory, 1965-67
- Ph.D., Yale University, 1965
- B.S., University of Rhode Island, 1960
Dr. Fratini joined the Chemistry Department in 1967 after spending two years in post-doctoral research at the National Academy of Science-Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. He was chairperson of the chemistry department from 1992 to 1999. Over the years, he has advised over 130 chemistry majors, participated on various university committees and served three years as the university marshal for graduation. His most recent sabbatical was spent at Proctor & Gamble Pharmaceuticals' state-of-the-art Health Care Research Center in Mason, Ohio.
Research interests
X-Ray diffraction methods applied to solution of macromolecular structures; protein crystal growth and protein crystallography; structure and morphology of crystalline and semi-crystalline polymers, computational and molecular modeling, DNA structure.