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Work hard. Play smarter: A look into Professor Peter Titlebaum's office

Work hard. Play smarter: A look into Professor Peter Titlebaum's office

Jayonna Johnson '25 July 28, 2023

Meet Professor Titlebaum, professor of health and sport science in the School of Education and Health Sciences. You can find his office on the sixth floor of Fitz Hall. It may not seem like much based on first impressions, but the stories behind the contents of his space are pretty inspiring.

Take a look at the painting that sits on Titlebaum's wall that his daughter painted for him. Titlebaum said his goal for his students is to think ahead into their careers, challenging them to ask the hard questions that come in life. His goal is to not crush the dreams of his students, he laughed, but to encourage them to take the extra and essential precautions in order reach them — precautions that are often not taken or considered when pursuing a dream.

"Keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, this is where life begins."

"Students come in thinking I want to be able to do a certain job when they get out of college" Titlebaum says.

"But might not have ever given thought to what’s the age of the person who has that job, how many jobs does it take to gain that position. What salary that position pays and does that match with their core values?"

Titlebaum says that by asking these types of questions it forces them [students] to make decisions based on facts, decisions are now based on concrete information and not just a preconceived notion.

"We do lot’s of career exploration and by talking to people who have positions that they truly have an interest in pursuing"

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