This May, a record number of students in caps and gowns filed down the aisles at UD Arena to shake hands with President Eric F. Spina and receive their University of Dayton degrees. UD conferred an all-time high of approximately 1,600 undergraduate degrees in a ceremony May 7, plus around 900 master’s, doctoral and law degrees conferred May 6. The previous record was 2,157 undergraduate and advanced degrees, set in spring 2021.
Among those receiving degrees were six members of the inaugural class in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. The program, started in 2019, was built on a strong tradition of nursing education last offered at UD between 1942 and 1969.
“I chose nursing because of the amount of patient interaction compared to other fields in health care,” said India Richardson ’23, who started working before graduation as a nurse at Miami Valley
Hospital in Dayton in the advanced pulmonary unit. “When people are in the hospital, it’s the worst time of their lives — so I want to make it a little better for them.”
The University also awarded an honorary doctorate to Clayton Mathile, former owner and CEO of The Iams Co., whose entrepreneurial vision and philanthropy has helped build infrastructure to create leaders. He and his wife, MaryAnn, have also built a philanthropic legacy through the Mathile Family Foundation, funding nonprofit organizations that transform the lives of children and families in need.
“Find what you love — and use your gifts to make a difference in the world. … Pursue what is noble, meaningful, right and just anyway. Say yes. Always say yes.”
At the undergraduate commencement, Spina encouraged the Flyers to enthusiastically embrace the challenges and rewards that lay ahead for them and refuse to be swayed by naysayers: “Find what you love — and use your gifts to make a difference in the world. … Pursue what is noble, meaningful, right and just anyway. Say yes. Always say yes.”