In a campaign with a goal of $400 million, it could be easy to ask why small gifts matter.
But they add up — and fast, much like the shots students took in RecPlex April 19 during the 45-minute Knockout basketball competition.
Knockout was one of many activities for students during One Day, One Dayton, UD’s annual giving day. As basketballs flew through the air, students ate pizza and wings, posed with Rudy Flyer and watched on the big screen a live broadcast of the announcement of UD’s comprehensive campaign, We Soar. They also had opportunities throughout the day to give to the programs and organizations meaningful to them.
During One Day, One Dayton, 7,499 donors from 50 states gave $3.58 million. Those dollars were added to the overall campaign total, which continues to climb toward the goal (see graphic, facing page).
Students again demonstrated the power of giving together. Of the 630 current students who donated, 249 were from the Class of 2023, the most donors from any class. Students supported clubs for water ski, softball and equestrian sports, the School of Engineering Dean’s Fund for Excellence, the student-led Asian American Association and more.
Among alumni, the Class of 1973 raised the most, at $793,016, and Nashville, Tennessee, took top prize for the community with most local participants.
Emily Baldwin ’14, director of annual giving and new donor initiatives, said that when the University started celebrating its annual giving day five years ago, she didn’t know what to expect. From the start, the Flyer community responded, beating the goal of 1,850 donors that first year and growing every year since.
“Flyer Nation continues to show up and show out.”
“Flyer Nation continues to show up and show out,” she said. “Any gift of any size really does make a difference. We continue to surprise ourselves, and I’m immensely grateful to the community for their support.”
The Knockout winner was first-year student Connor Moriarty. But with a 13% increase in donors and a 59% increase in dollars over 2022’s giving day, all Flyers — past, present and future — came away winners.
$400 million is our fundraising goal
19,250 Front Porch Society members — those who give in three or more consecutive fiscal years — is our participation goal.
2,800 new volunteer leaders in defined roles is our engagement goal.
increase in # of donors (2022: 6,634 donors)
increase in dollars (2022: $2,224,003)
first-time donors
gifts $1-$49
gifts $50-$999
gifts $1,000+