Extra! Extra! Scroll all about it. In March, University Libraries added approximately 340 issues of Flyer News, the University’s student newspaper, to its online archive.
The issues, published between fall 1955 and spring 1971, have been made accessible to search by year or by keyword within the library’s entire digital archive on eCommons, UD’s institutional repository. This digitization project was made possible with gifts made to the Libraries Dean’s Fund for Excellence during the 2022 One Day, One Dayton, UD’s annual giving day.
Prior to the project, more recent issues of Flyer News were accessible to be searched online, but the additional issues were chosen in response to teaching and research interests; the print copies had been frequently requested and used.
“Providing access online ensures that the fragile print copies can be maintained in the University Archives,” said Katy Kelly, the library’s coordinator of marketing and engagement. “We want to ensure that access and preservation continues for these invaluable documents.”
A digitization project of more issues is part of the Libraries’ One Day, One Dayton 2023 project goals, to be completed in the next year. Digitized issues are at ecommons.udayton.edu.