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Avoid dehydration

Avoid dehydration

Larry Burgess June 02, 2023

Summer brings with it lots of sunshine and that also means it brings the heat! Lots of folks on campus are seeking refuge from these recent 90-degree days by stepping into a shady place or an air conditioned building to stay cool. Our facilities and physical plant staffers are outside in the heat, painting campus light poles and making sure our plants are getting enough water.

Ah, water. Maybe the first thing we think of as the weather gets this hot and humid.

The roses by the chapel benefit from the sprinkler system. The Kennedy Union fountain appeals to the eyes and evaporates an essence of relief on hot days. The evaporative cooling effect of the water transfers heat away from the surrounding air.

Along with the summer heat and drought, experts say, is an increase in spiders. Experts tell us, “All insects are cold-blooded predators looking for food. In extreme heat they will birth more spiders faster. So, they set out more webs to trap more insects which is their food because they need it."