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Under the sun

Under the sun

Larry Burgess August 04, 2022

On hot, sunny days, common sense should prevail. Drink plenty of water. Take breaks. Wear sunscreen and a hat. Work in the shade if possible.

Despite the heat, campus work continues in preparation for fall. A landscape crew installs new sod over the underground steam loop behind Albert Emanuel Hall. And a roofing crew removes worn-out parts of the Powerhouse roof.

Speaking of working in the sun, solar panels on a third floor roof at Fitz Hall are converting sunlight into electric energy. While farmers around the country are starting to use the shade from solar panels to help their mushroom gardens grow, wild mushrooms can be found growing right here on campus.

More changes under the sun here include the relocation of the first-floor hallway benches in the Humanities Center. to the third floor to relieve congestion.

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