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Lives of service

Lives of service

Staff May 11, 2022
They lived lives in service to others and of leadership to the University. We remember volunteers with UD’s board of trustees.

Mary Jo Scalzo

Mary Jo Scalzo ’72 brought more than four decades of experience working with young people as a teacher, principal, curriculum director and superintendent to her volunteer work as a current member of the University of Dayton board of trustees. She died Dec. 25. She was 71.

“Having worked in the field of education her entire life, she was filled with experience and wisdom to share. Her death has shaken me to my core,” said Vice President for Student Development Bill Fischer.

President Eric F. Spina named Scalzo among his friends. “We lost one of the most positive, selfless, enthusiastic leaders I’ve ever met,” he said in a blog post. 

Scalzo served school systems for 41 years, including 21 years at nearby Oakwood City Schools. She graduated from UD with a bachelor’s in elementary education, and master’s in educational administration and a doctorate in educational leadership. 


Peter Kuntz

Peter Kuntz ’50 would introduce himself to others as “Pete Kuntz, retired lumberman,” a reference to the chain of lumber and hardware stores his family owned for more than a century. Kuntz died Jan. 18. He was 93.

Kuntz earned his bachelor’s degree in accounting and, in 1992, was awarded by the University an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters for “his strength and gentleness, his courage and humility.” The award citation quoted Chaucer:
veray parfit gentil knight” — he was a true perfect knight of noble character.

In addition to service for the community, including a foundation started by the Kuntz family, he served many volunteer roles at UD. Kuntz was a board trustee from 1975 to 1984, serving as chair from 1982 to 1984. He chaired a campaign that raised $43 million for the University and the search committee that hired Brother Raymond L. Fitz, S.M. ’64, as University president. Kuntz was given the title of honorary trustee in 1984.

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