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Things that need wind to work

Things that need wind to work

Larry Burgess February 16, 2022

Today’s forecast: Be aware of the wind. Wind plays a role in how many things work. Good breezes make the flags fly boldly on the UD Arena flagpoles. Wind can carry sound great distances, such as that of the tornado siren near Fitz Hall. The anemometer in D parking lot spins to register wind velocity, and the weathervane shows which direction the wind is coming from. While the hawk is currently dismayed by the wind that is pelting its feathers, the wind will also assist it in soaring over Baujan Field. The winds of employment for 2022 college graduates are favorable at a recent job fair on campus. Finally, rushing air provides lift to the wings of planes including C-130s, one of which sits at Curran Place and is undergoing research that will help extend the life of the aircraft. 

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