Stalking is when a person repeatedly watches, follows or harasses an individual, making that individual feel afraid or unsafe. A stalker can be someone known to the individual, a past intimate partner, or a stranger. Most people assume that stalkers are strangers, but actually three in four victims are harassed by someone they know. Stalking is serious, often violent, and can escalate over time.
Examples of Stalking Conduct
Information gathering. Stalkers gather information about their victims through coworkers, friends, relatives, classmates, or anyone they think may have communication or interact on a regular basis with the victim. They may use social networking sites and other technology to monitor a victim's activities and daily behaviors.
Unwanted Contact. Stalkers may send unwanted text messages, letters, emails, and voicemails or make unwanted phone calls to their victims. They can appear to be charming and attentive by leaving gifts or flowers for the victim to find, or appear intimidating by leaving hateful notes or unpleasant items.
Knowing your location. Stalkers may show up at your home or workplace unannounced or uninvited, or "coincidentally" appear at places you hang out.
If You Are Being Stalked
If you are in immediate danger, call 911 or University Police, 937-229-2121, and report everything that’s happened to the police. Get additional support by obtaining a protection order that makes it illegal for the stalker to come near. Know that the person harassing you may also get arrested and convicted in the criminal justice system.
Save evidence. Remember to save important evidence like text messages, voicemails, emails, letters, notes, unwanted items or gifts, and any online or social media interactions.
Take notes. You should write down the times, places and dates all incidents occurred. Include the names and contact information of people who witnessed what happened.
Trust Your Intuition
If you are unsure if what you are experiencing is considered stalking, follow your intuition. Trust your gut, and check out some of the resources below.
Stalking Resource Center
The Stalking Resource Center is a joint effort between the National Center for Victims of Crime and U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women. It provides training and resources, including information about federal and state stalking statutes, protection orders, and legislation.
Love is Respect
Love is respect focuses on raising awareness on healthy dating behaviors and how to identify unhealthy and abusive patterns through trainings, toolkits, and information and resources. It seeks to promote healthy relationships and prevent future patterns of abuse, including stalking behaviors.