Breastfeeding & Lactation Rooms
Lactation Rooms
The Women's Center strives to make UD as inclusive and supportive as possible for all nursing parents. The Center works with Human Resources, Facilities Management, and other campus partners to provide secure lactation rooms for caregivers to breastfeed or privately express breast milk.
All lactation rooms have sinks within the space or nearby. All rooms (with the exception of Alumni Hall) have refrigerators. Rooms are equipped with a comfortable chair, electrical outlets, and cleaning supplies. We are in the process of sourcing tables and sanitizers for as many rooms as we can. Caregivers will need to supply their own pumps and pump attachments. If you have items you would like to donate, such as small tables, fridges, sanitizers, and bottle racks and brushes, please contact
Accessing the Lactation Rooms
The lactation rooms are access-controlled through card readers, so members of the UD community can access these spaces using their University ID.
- Read and sign the Terms of Use.
- Scan the signed Terms of Use and email to or return through campus mail to zip +0322)
- After receiving the Terms of Use, Center staff will add the lactation room access to your UD ID. You will receive an email when access has been added.
Once access is granted, an individual will be able to use any of the spaces on campus for one year, which can be extended, if desired.
Guests and visitors of the University will have access to the lactation rooms through guest cards, which can be checked out and accessed as outlined in the locations below.
Lactation Room Locations
Room 100
This room uses a key for access. Students, employees, and guests can be given a key and the Terms of Use from the Women's Center, 204 Alumni Hall.
ROOM 1440
This room uses a punch code for access. Students, employees, and guests can be given the punch code and the Terms of Use by the front desk receptionist.
ROOM 2446
Guests can use a guest card and be given the Terms of Use by the front desk receptionist.
Room 216
Guests can be given a guest card and the Terms of Use at the Public Safety desk.
Room 219
Guests can be given a guest card and the Terms of Use from the Center for Student Involvement, Kennedy Union 241.
Room 581
Guests can be given a guest card and the Terms of Use from the Office of the Dean, 565 Kettering Labs.
Room 117
Guests can be given a guest card and the Terms of Use from the Information Point.
Room 418
Guests can be given a guest card and the Terms of Use from Human Resources, 315 St. Mary's Hall.
31 South main street / Room 228
This room uses a key for access. Guests can obtain a key at the front desk.
ROOM 164
This room is for building employee use only.Room 206
Guests can be given a guest card and the Terms of Use from The Fitz Center for Leadership in Community front desk.
Room 177
Guests can be given a guest card and the Terms of Use from The Women's Center, contact
Room N2770
Guests can be given a guest card and the Terms of Use from The Women's Center, conatct
Room 121
Guests can be given a guest card and the Terms of Use from The Women's Center, contact
Refrigerator Use
The Women's Center provides free, personal refrigerators for UD employees to keep in their offices to store breast milk. While there are several refrigerators available at any given time, these refrigerators are loaned out on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve a refrigerator, please email us at
Anthem Breast Pump Information
Women’s Health Care Reform, as of August 2012, covers both manual and mechanical breast pumps. The Women’s Health Care Reform stipulates that women can obtain one pumping device per pregnancy; however, Anthem will administer and cover one pumping device per year. If the member has two pregnancies in one year, the additional purchase of a breast pump will be covered. More information can be found here >>