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Impact Physics

Bird strike testing underway. A gun-fired avian analog approaches, impacts, cracks, and ultimately shatters an aircraft test canopy.

Testing and Evaluation of Impact-Resistant Materials and Structures

UDRI Impact Physics researchers have provided test and evaluation services for the development and certification of impact-resistant systems for government and industrial sponsors since 1965. We routinely perform research and testing in the fields of foreign object damage (FOD), light armor design and evaluation, penetration mechanics, hypervelocity impact testing and analysis, and dynamic behavior of materials.

We have one of the most diversified indoor impact research facilities in the world. Our testing laboratories have 12 gun ranges capable of propelling objects at velocities ranging from tens of feet per second to over 33,000 feet per second.

Our customers include original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of turbine engines, space vehicles, aircraft structures, armored vehicles, and flight data recorders, as well as the Department of Homeland Security.

Contact us and let our experienced researchers solve your impact challenges.

Contact Us: 937-229-2113  |  E-Mail  |  Form

Top: High-speed video images of an AV-8 Harrier windshield impacted by a 4-lb. gelatin bird simulant.


University of Dayton Research Institute

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0101