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Fuels and Combustion

Computer-modeled image of supersonic jet exhaust. The rectangular nozzle is shown in gray with an isosurface of temperature (gold) cut along the center plane of the nozzle showing temperature contours (red/yellow). The acoustic field is visualized by (blue/cyan) contours of the pressure field taken along the same plane. Photo credit: Joseph Nichols, Center for Turbulence Research, Argonne National Laboratory

A Pioneer in Fuels and Combustion Research

Since 1976, UDRI has been developing and testing cleaner burning, more environmentally friendly, and more powerful fuels. Our researchers conduct basic and applied research in combustion, energy conservation, environmental engineering, fuel science, fuels engineering, and modeling and simulation.

Top: Computer-modeled image of supersonic jet exhaust. The rectangular nozzle is shown in gray with an isosurface of temperature (gold) cut along the center plane of the nozzle showing temperature contours (red/yellow). The acoustic field is visualized by (blue/cyan) contours of the pressure field taken along the same plane. Photo credit: Joseph Nichols, Center for Turbulence Research, Argonne National Laboratory


University of Dayton Research Institute

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0101