UDsciNet: Fast Lane for Research Data
With support from the National Science Foundation, UD has built a high speed data network to transfer large data files to facilitate global scholarly collaboration.
UDsciNet supports the large data file transfers needed by researchers in the STEM disciplines and increasingly in other disciplines.
Dedicated UDsciNet-connected workstations are the on- and off-ramps for data traveling over UDsciNet to the Internet2 and OARnet research and education networks. These workstations are found at key physical locations on the UD campus including Roesch Library, Science Center and the Kettering Laboratory.
Some of these workstations perform unique functions related to science and engineering experimentation.

Video Showcase: Scholarship in New Era of Data Access
This forum describes how faculty scholarship is impacted by dramatic changes in the way digital data (especially "big data") is being generated and shared. New tools such as UD's new high speed network (UDsciNet), Internet2 and a growing number of global data repositories for sciences and humanities are now available to serve the research needs of UD faculty, staff and students.