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Signage Expectations

University of Dayton – Expectations for Signage

At the University of Dayton, we recognize that students enliven the neighborhoods through creative and artistic expressions on sheet signs. As such, Housing and Residence Life, in conjunction with Residential Properties, has established the following expectations to  ensure that your sheet sign conforms to the values and principles of the institution, does  not damage the housing structure, and creates a welcoming and open community in the  student neighborhoods. These expectations apply to all houses occupied by University of  Dayton students, regardless of who owns the property (unless otherwise noted below). Sheet signs may not be hung from multi-unit facilities on campus (including apartments and residence halls.)

Creating and Hanging Sheet Signs/Banners/Flags

  • Sheet signs should be painted or created in grass areas ONLY. Sheet signs should not be painted or created on cement (including sidewalks, porches, or garages), flooring, or inside of any University owned structure. Students will be held accountable for damage to surfaces, including all flooring, cement, and walls.
  • Sheet signs should be created on standard twin size sheets. Sheets that are larger than this size are subject to removal. This size restriction is in place to prevent sheet signs from blocking house egress. 
  • Sheet signs should be hung from University of Dayton owned properties only in ways that do not damage the structure, siding, or fixtures on the house. If they are available, sheet signs should be hung from pre-mounted hooks on the front porch of the house.
    • Sheet signs should not be hung by putting holes or attachments through the siding of a house.
    • Sheet signs should not be hung out of, under, or between any window on a house. 
    • Sheet signs should not be hung using sticky tape or adhesive materials that will require excessive cleaning, as determined by Residential Properties.
  • Certain University owned properties may not be able to support sheet signs, due to the structure of the house or the design of the entry way. A list will be maintained in Residential Properties of houses that cannot support sheet signs. In the event that a house is deemed unable to support a sheet sign, students will be prohibited from hanging a sheet sign from their house.

Content of Sheet Signs/Flags

  • Messages, sayings, quotes, pictures and graphics should conform to the principles and values of the University of Dayton. If the message on a sheet sign runs counter to the established principles and values, the residents of the house or apartment will be asked to remove the sheet sign. The determination of a sign’s congruence with University principles and values lies with any staff or faculty member from the University acting in accordance with their position. This includes, but is not limited to, staff from Housing and Residence Life (including Neighborhood Fellows, Resident Assistants, Guest Check-in Attendants, and graduate and professional staff), Residential  Properties, Center for Student Involvement, Campus Ministry, ArtStreet, Public Safety, the Division of Student Development and the Dean of Student’s Office. 
    • Messaging that runs counter to University principles and values includes, but is not limited to, the following:
      • Promotion of an alcohol culture on campus, including references to specific alcoholic beverages, over-consumption, under-age consumption, or references to your dislike for staff performing their jobs in the enforcement of the alcohol policy. This includes overt or covert references to consuming alcohol, even if residents plan to scratch out a synonym for alcohol and put “H2O” or “Water” instead. 
      • Signs that incorporate overt or covert sexual innuendo.
      • Any overt or covert references to violations of state law or student code of conduct violations. 
      • References to the sexual harassment of any person. 
      • Profane language.
      • Any words, phrases, insinuations, graphics, pictures, or other content that marginalizes any group based on race, ethnicity, creed, color, religion, sexual orientation, sexual preference, gender identity, sex, citizenship, familial status, disability, veteran status, or genetic information.
      • Any sign that creates an unwelcome environment within the student neighborhood or at the University.
      • Any advertisement for commercial businesses. 

Expectations for removal of sheet signs

  • At the request of a University official acting in accordance with their position, students are required to remove a sheet sign based on these policies or at the direction of the official. It is expected that students will remove the sheet sign while the official is present and will provide it to the official upon request.
  • If a resident is not home when an official stops by, the official may remove the sheet sign and provide reasonable notification to the residents regarding the reason for the sign’s removal and the location to where it was taken (if it can be reclaimed). 
  • Failure to comply with a request to remove a sheet sign could result in consequences through the University of Dayton conduct system.
  • Students will be asked to remove sheet signs within one week of the completion of an advertised event or promotion.