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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to many frequently asked questions. If you have any questions not answered below, please don't hesitate to reach out! We can be reached by phone (937-229-3141), email (, or in person at our front desk in Gosiger Hall.

Frequently Asked Questions

All currently enrolled University of Dayton undergraduates, graduate students, and Intensive English Program students are eligible for servicse at the University of Dayton Counseling Center.

The Counseling Center does not provide services to UD faculty, staff, or members of the Dayton community that are not currently enrolled students.

All Counseling Center services are completely free of charge to current undergraduate students.

All graduate students and Intensive English Program students may utilize drop-in services, crisis services, and ADTS for no charge. Depending on the graduate program, charges may apply for ongoing services at the rates listed below. If you are a graduate student, please reach out to UDCC directly for any questions.

Cost Schedule for Graduate Students


1st Session

Subsequent Sessions

Individual Therapy



Psychiatric Services




Yes. The Counseling Center understands that there are sometimes extenuating circumstances that keep a student from attending an appointment. However, if a student does not call or email the Counseling Center to cancel a scheduled appointment by two hours before the start time of that appointment, there will be a $25 No-Show Charge that will go directly to their student account. In order to maintain confidentiality, this charge is not listed as a Counseling Center charge on the student account.


Your clinician will not speak with your parents, teachers, friends, or anyone else about your confidential concerns without your written permission. When you receive services at the Counseling Center, a client record or file is begun (separate from any university or health center record) which includes information about your history, treatment goals, progress, and any testing results or correspondence that may occur. Generally, information about you is not released from the Counseling Center unless you provide written consent.

Your privacy is protected unless the law requires that we break confidentiality. This might occur:

  • When a court order is received
  • If there is an emergency or a situation that threatens your life or the life of another
  • If evidence suggests endangerment to a minor, vulnerable adult, or animal
  • If you are a minor seeking services and we must have a parent's consent to treat you
  • When otherwise required by law (e.g. in instances of hazing)

If you are currently a Counseling Center client, you typically schedule directly with your therapist at the end of each session for the next appointment. If something has prevented this, or you need to reschedule an appointment, you can call the Counseling Center at 937-229-3141 or stop by the front desk in Gosiger Hall (first floor) during normal business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) to schedule an appointment with your ongoing therapist.

Students who are not currently receiving ongoing services at the Counseling Center are recommended to come through Drop-In Hours to meet with a UDCC therapist. Drop-In Hours take place in-person in Gosiger Hall. No prior appointment is necessary -- just let the front desk know you are here for drop-in hours!

Updated Drop-In Hours for the current semester can be found on our Clinical Services page. If you are unavailable during Drop-In Hours due to your academic or employment schedule, please give us a call at 937-229-3141 to discuss alternative options.

When you arrive for Drop-In Hours, the front desk will take demographic information and direct you to fill out a few forms. You will then be seen based off triaged need. This means, for the most part, students are seen first-come, first-served; however, if a student arrives in crisis they may be seen first. The length of drop-in sessions vary depending on need, but usually last 30-40 minutes.

Drop-In sessions typically work to address whatever your presenting need is. Often, this takes the form of a single session, where you and a mental health professional are discussing what brings you to Drop-In Hours and then actively working to address these concerns through processing, practicing coping skills, or problem-solving.

Students seeking to connect with ongoing services at the Counseling Center will also start with Drop-In Hours. You and a clinician will discuss your strengths, supports, needs, and goals in seeking services. From this discussion, you will be referred to services that are most clinically helpful for the issues you discussed with the clinician. You may be referred to a seminar, group, or individual therapy - or a combination of these - depending on which would be most helpful for you. Sometimes, your needs may fall outside our scope of practice; in this case, the clinician you speak with at Drop-In Hours will provide referrals to a community provider that can better assist you. 

Individual sessions typically last 45-60 minutes and take place 1-2 times per month. Group sessions occur more frequently and therefore are more intensive. In general, our groups take place for one hour every week throughout the semester. 

There is no specified duration of services. Everyone is different. Some students may engage in group or individual therapy for a semester, some may see a clinician for a few weeks, some see a clinician for longer. Clinicians and students work together to determine how long services are needed.


We do understand that there are times where you may need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.  All that we ask is that you please contact us and cancel the appointment as far in advance as possible. You may do this by calling the Counseling Center at 937-229-3141 or by responding “cancel” to your email reminder. In order to avoid a no-show charge, you must cancel or rescedule more than two hours before your appointment time.


If you have a particular request before being assigned a therapist, please let us know. Although we cannot always fulfill your request, when asked we do try to honor this request. 

If you feel that you are not connecting with your current therapist, you may call or stop by the front desk and ask to be reassigned to a different therapist.

In both cases, the wait time for an appointment may be longer.


Our therapists do not prescribe medication, but the Counseling Center does contract with a psychiatrist and a psychiatric nurse practitioner for clients who are in need of medication. A student must be referred to the psychiatrist by their Counseling Center therapist. It is the Counseling Center's policy that a student must be engaged in ongoing services to continue receiving psychiatric services.

If you are only in need of medication and not therapy, the Counseling Center can provide you with a referral to a psychiatrist in the Dayton area. We also recommend you check with your insurance provider to determine which providers might be covered under your plan. 

At this time, the Counseling Center is not able to provide psychiatric services for ADHD medication only.

Whether you are engaging in group or individual therapy, maximize your progress by being an active participant.

  • Clarify your goals — write down your thoughts, be specific, and prioritize your concerns
  • Be descriptive about your concerns— this gives your therapist insight
  • Arrive on time and try not to miss your scheduled appointments — this maximizes the time you have in treatment
  • Be open and honest, ask questions, and seek clarification
  • Let your therapist know if you are feeling worse
  • Be honest about safety concerns — your safety is our priority
  • Make time to think about the things you have discussed with your counselor and/or in group in between sessions
  • Follow through on homework assignments from your therapist — practice strategies and skills discussed in your session, and keep a journal


Counseling Center

Gosiger Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0910