Q*mmunity Leaders
Q*mmunity Leaders are a group of student peer educators that strive to cultivate a more welcoming, safer, and accepting campus environment for LGBTQ+ individuals at UD. Through engaging our peers with intentional conversations, presentations, programs, and events, we can continue to raise awareness of, and build a community of support for, the LGBTQ+ community.
Mission Statement: We are peer educators with the goal of raising awareness of the LGBTQ+ community at the University of Dayton. We provide our peers with the opportunities to learn more about LGBTQ+ identities and experiences through presentations, programs, and events. We approach this work with a historical lens of discrimination and injustice and how that still impacts the LGBTQ+ community today. While becoming more knowledgeable of the role that intersectionality plays, we strive to make our campus more inclusive and equitable for students of all sexualities and genders.
Values: authenticity, inclusivity, respect, dialogue, and acceptance