Minicourses with The Brook Center
The Brook Center offers a variety of minicourses, including our Peer Education Experiences. Check the academic catalog for each semester or talk with your advisor to learn which courses are being offered.The college environment can make it feel impossible to manage your personal well being. Students in this course will redefine wellness through presentations by guest speakers, hands-on activities, and critical inquiry to enhance and enjoy life.
This course creates opportunity for students to identify self-help skills that they may be lacking and explore them in a realistic way. Based in thriving, flourishing, and public health theory, all course conversations will be using wellbeing as a foundational message, exploring ways that students can live the healthiest life possible through their relationships with themselves, others, and their environment.
The PAVE mini-course is an intentionally designed sequence in which the Peers Advocating for Violence Education come together to explore power based personal violence through research about violence on college campuses, perpetration patterns, Title IX, neurobiology of trauma, effective educational practices, and mastering presentation skills. Through discussion, reading, reflection assignments, and presentations, students will have the opportunity to explore their own values and perspectives around these topics, and grow in their ability to engage their peers around these challenging discussions. Abbreviated Course Description: This course is designed to support students as they serve as PAVEs (sexual violence prevention peer educators) at UD, by exploring topics such as perpetration patterns, neurobiology of trauma, educational pedagogy, and mastering presentation skills. Application and acceptance into Peers Advocating for Violence Education is required.
Through this mini course, Q*mmunity Leders will explore identities and experiences of LGBTQ+ college students through discussion, reading, reflection assignments, and presentations. Participants will learn about and reflect upon their own multidimentional identities and values, and how issues of privilege and oppression make the LGBTQ+ community complex and diverse. Students will develop their own leadership capacity through building skills in public speaking, presentation, facilitation and conversation across difference. Q*mmunity Leaders will grow in their ability to engage their peers around these challenging discussions.