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Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center

ME in MEC: Understand Yourself through Multicultural Education

Multi-Ethnic Education in Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center, (ME in MEC) is an engaged partner in the development of all students at UD. We work both within MEC & across campus to co-create more inclusive and anti-racist curriculum with faculty and campus partner’s programs. It is ALL of our responsibility, especially at a persistently, predominately white campus to examine our identities, biases, and actions to make a more inclusive campus community.



ME in MEC seeks to create, introduce, support and advance opportunities for awareness of multicultural/multi-ethnic identities through educational engagement, programs that provide critical reflection, and dialogue as an effective form of intergroup communication. 


Cultivating a culture of inclusion through equitable education, engagement and communication.


Our Offerings

Partners in the Classroom

Partners in the Classroom provides faculty the opportunity to invite MEC staff and other partners to present on a variety of diversity and leadership topics. The workshops are designed to assist students in increasing their cultural knowledge of themselves and others.

Diversity Peer Educators

DPE provides a space for you to grow in recognition of the impact YOU have on change. Either through being a DPE or participating in their programs, you take time to reflect on your knowledge and create accountability for your own growth as an anti-racist person.

UDiversity Module

UDiversity is an online Community Education Module created for students by students, which prepares students to learn, lead, and serve in a diverse global society through understanding of bias, stereotypes and microaggressions. All incoming students are required to engage in the module, and they may find additional opportunities to continue this education.

Creating Inclusive Community

This mini-course occurs in the spring and brings together faculty, staff and students as learners to study and dialogue about systems of oppression. This learning is followed by brainstorming and building ways to make UD’s campus more inclusive, be it continuing to educate the campus or activist efforts to adjust curriculum, or whatever the group deems necessary.


Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center

Alumni Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0318