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Report a Concern

Report a Concern


Ethical or compliance concerns related to research should be reported as soon as possible by contacting your immediate supervisor, the next level of supervision, or file a report using one of the following methods.

To report within UDRI:

Call: UDRI Hotline at 937-229-4848; this method does not guarantee anonymity. 

Email:; this method does not guarantee anonymity.

Write: Research Ethics; you may include contact information or remain anonymous. 300 College Park Dayton OH 45469-7758.

To report through the University of Dayton’s “Privately Speaking Line”:

Call: 855-550-0654; you may include your contact information or remain anonymous.

Visit: UD Privately Speaking Line; you may include your contact information or remain anonymous.

To report through the Department of Defense:

Call: DOD Hotline toll-free at 800-424-9098; you may include your contact information or remain anonymous.

Visit: DoD Hotline; this method is anonymous.



Office of Academic Research

Fitz Hall
1529 Brown Street
Dayton, Ohio 45409 - 2969