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Mission Based Staff Retreat

Mission Based Staff Retreat

The mission-focused staff retreat seeks to help University administrators and staff members deepen their understanding of and commitment to the Catholic and Marianist mission of the University of Dayton.

The retreat provides the opportunity to support, strengthen and exemplify our Catholic and Marianist identity. It serves as a means to continue the orientation to the University for relatively new staff persons and provides an opportunity to reinforce and deepen the understanding and articulation of the mission for more veteran staff members.  

The mission-focused staff retreat is an overnight experience held at Bergamo Center in the Spring each year.  

Reading materials, discussion leaders, presentations, meals, and inclusive prayer is incorporated.  Departments will be asked to supplement retreat costs with a nominal financial contribution.  

Questions? Contact Allison Leigh, Director of Marianist Strategies.


Mission Based Staff Retreat Timeline

Vice President for Mission and Rector invites the members of the President’s Council to nominate participants by February 1st.
Vice-presidents and Deans discern attendees from their units and contact the individuals.

A letter of invitation is sent from the Office for Mission and Rector to each participant.

An information session is scheduled for all participants.

Participants attend an opening luncheon.

Participants work on their projects identifying aspects of the Marianist charism evident on campus.

End of May/Early June   
Retreat is held at Bergamo.

Reunion gathering.


Click below to see who has participated on our past retreats. 

MBSR Participants - listed Alphabetically



Office for Mission and Rector

St. Mary's Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1638
Office of the Rector