Educational Leadership Council (ELC)
Educational Leadership Council (ELC)
The Educational Leadership Council (ELC) was established to achieve the high degree of cooperation and understanding commanded by the University of Dayton Constitution between and among the University Faculty and administrators as the Faculty initiate and formulate educational and academic policies, and to further the Marianist values of consultation and inclusion.
The purpose of the ELC is to consult in a broader way on matters which have a substantial impact on the University. Matters which have a substantial impact on the academic program of the University should normally be brought before the ELC for consultation before the University makes any binding commitment or final decision with respect to those matters.
The ELC may not promulgate any policy or make any decision on behalf of the University, nor may it reverse or modify any decision made by the University, or veto or modify any policy adopted by the University.
The Educational Leadership Council developed and approved a Statement of Purpose and Procedures, effective July 1, 2015, which is available on this website.