Whistleblower Policy
Whistleblower Policy
To protect any individual who, in good faith, reports observed or suspected misconduct or noncompliance with state or federal laws or University policies or procedures.
This policy applies to all University of Dayton faculty, staff, students, volunteers, visiting scholars, contractors, visiting researchers, consultants and other individuals who work or visit the University campus.
Policy History
Effective Date: June 28, 2016
Approval: June 28, 2016
Policy History:
- Approved in original form: June 28, 2016
Maintenance of Policy: Vice President for Finance and Administration
The University of Dayton is committed to the highest ethical standards of conduct. To help maintain those standards, the University seeks the help of the University community and its visitors to raise concerns and report in good faith any activity that an individual reasonably considers to be unethical, illegal, fraudulent, or in direct violation of University policy. Individuals should report such conduct, regardless of whether or not he/she is personally involved in the matter.
If the reporting individual is a University employee, that employee should contact his/her supervisor, Human Resources, or the University’s Internal Auditor. All other members of the University community should report such concerns to Human Resources or the Internal Auditor.
The whistleblower is not responsible for investigating the activity or for determining fault or corrective measures; appropriate officials are charged with the responsibility of investigating all reported violations.
The confidentiality of the reporting individual will be maintained as much as possible, however, the identity of the individual may need to be disclosed in the course of the investigation or to comply with the law.
Anonymous Reporting
If an individual wishes to file a report anonymously, he/she may do so through the University of Dayton Confidential Reporting Line, provided by a third-party, at www.udayton.ethicspoint.com or 1-855-550-0654. However, the effectiveness of any inquiry may be limited when an individual has chosen to not be identified.
No individual who, in good faith, reports unethical or fraudulent behavior and/or a violation of law or University policy shall suffer harassment, retaliation or adverse employment and/or academic or educational consequences on the basis of that good faith report.
This commitment to preventing retaliation does not prevent the University from taking appropriate action regarding an individual where that action is not motivated by the fact the individual made a report.
Note that using this Whistleblower Policy in bad faith, i.e., with deliberately false allegations is also a violation of this policy.
If Retaliation Concerns Arise
Individuals who believe they have suffered retaliation may report it as follows:
Students |
Student Development 937-229-1212 |
Faculty |
Provost’s Office 937-229-2245 |
Staff |
Human Resources 937-229-2541 |
This commitment to preventing retaliation does not preclude the University from addressing performance or behavioral issues with employees as appropriate, even if that individual has participated in a whistleblower protected activity.
Reference Documents
- University of Dayton Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
- University of Dayton Staff Correction Action Policy
- University of Dayton Student Handbook
- University of Dayton Faculty Handbook
- University of Dayton Guidelines for Handling Calls to the Confidential Reporting Line or Other Anonymous Call, Tips, or Reports
- University of Dayton Policy Prohibiting Illegal, Fraudulent, Dishonest, and Unethical Conduct