Alcohol and Behavior for Student-Athletes
Alcohol and Behavior Policy for Student-Athletes
The University expects its student-athletes to behave in a manner that brings pride to our program and gives them the optimum chance at success both as students and as athletes. Alcohol misuse is not consistent with the philosophy and goals of our program or the behavior of a committed, dedicated student-athlete.
This policy applies to all student-athletes.
Policy History
I. Effective Date: June 22, 2012
II. Approval: June 22, 2012
III. History:
- Approved in original form: June 22, 2012
IV. Maintenance of Policy: Vice President and Director of Athletics
(a) “Student-athlete” is a student who participates or is a prospective participant in any capacity in any intercollegiate athletic activity administered by the University of Dayton Athletics Division.
1. All student-athletes are to report any alcohol-related or criminal incidents to their coaches immediately.
2. The Athletics Division may impose sanctions in addition to those imposed by the University and/or any local state agency.
3. Teams may have their own policies that may be stricter and carry heavier sanctions than those of the Athletics Division.
4. Sanctions for alcohol abuse (i.e. property destruction, violent or abusive behavior, loss of motor control, DUI or loss consciousness) and drug use accumulate for a student-athlete’s entire athletic career.
5. Sanctions for alcohol violations (i.e. possession/consumption in residence halls, misrepresentation of age to obtain/consume alcohol, underage possession and/or consumption of alcohol) accumulate for two full semesters after the semester in which the incident occurs.
6. In addition to violations of University or local/state regulations/policies, the Athletics Division considers the following as offenses:
- Consuming alcohol within 48 hours (even if student-athlete is of legal age) prior to a contest (teams may be more restrictive);
- Alcohol consumption by a student-athlete host and/or their assigned recruit while on a recruiting visit (it is also a violation for a student-athlete host to allow a recruit to consume alcohol);
- Any undocumented offense brought to the attention of the Administration by the coach of the program;
- Consumption of alcohol on University sponsored road trips by any student-athlete (regardless of age).
Sanctions for Alcohol Violations:
The minimum sanction that will be imposed by the Athletics Division will be as follows:
1st offense
- 10 hours of community service and possible parental notification (at the discretion of the Athletics Administration)
2nd Offense
- Suspension from one contest or (if out of season) 20 hours community service, parental notification, and an alcohol assessment (in the case of alcohol abuse)
3rd Offense
- Possible removal from the team and all athletically related aid is removed at the end of the academic year
Sanctions for Criminal Activity:
1. Misdemeanor (not including minor traffic violations) charges and felony investigations will be left to the discretion of a committee including the Vice President/Director of Athletics, Faculty Athletics Representative, and legal counsel.
2. Misdemeanor convictions will result in a minimum 2 game suspension (or 7% of total competitions), with committee discretion.
3. A felony charge will result in indefinite suspension, the term of which will be determined by the committee.
4. A felony conviction will result in removal from team and loss of athletically related aid if applicable.
All sanctions are in addition to any imposed by UD and local/state/federal legal systems.
Additional Penalties
In addition to the above policies student-athletes may be subject to policies and sanctions of the University, Conference, or NCAA. If student-athletes are found to be in violation of a team, Athletics Division, University, Conference or NCAA policy, the penalty imposed depends upon the severity of the offense and may include but is not limited to:
1. Private or public reprimand;
2. Probation;
3. Suspension from the squad;
4. Dismissal from the squad;
5. Cancellation or gradation of athletically related financial aid;
6. Dismissal from the University.
Student-athletes may appeal decisions regarding sanctions in writing to the Director of Athletics.