Discernment Opportunities

The Marianist Vocations Office at UD is here to provide resources and accompaniment to those discerning their path in life, for all types of discernment. We also host discernment evenings each semester in addition to an annual discernment retreat.
Drop by our office in Alumni Hall room 225.
Please direct any questions you might have to Maureen O’Rourke and Bro. Mitch Schweickart, SM at vocations.ohio@marianist.usThis Discernment retreat offers an opportunity for young adults to learn more about Marianist religious life, pray, discuss and relax in a peaceful atmosphere for a weekend away at Governor’s Island on Indian Lake.
Dates: March 8-10, 2024
Open to any UD student open to discerning vowed religious life!
To gather more details or attend, please contact Maureen O’Rourke at vocations.ohio@marianist.us
Reflection & Prayer with the Marianists
Join the Stonemill-Kiefaber Marianist Community for Reflection. RSVP to tpieper1@udayton.edu. Join us at 312 Stonemill Rd on the following dates:
Monday, February 26, 5:30pm - 8pm
Monday, March 18, 5:30pm - 8pm
Monday, April 22, 5:30pm - 8pm
Dinner and Women’s Faith Sharing with the Marianist Sisters Annunciation Community at 30 Sawmill Road. RSVP to annunciationfmiusa@gmail.com
Monday, February 26, 6pm-8:30pm
Monday, March 18, 6pm-8:30pm
Monday, March 15, 6pm-8:30pm
UD Marianist Accompaniment Team
Campus has an entire team of Vowed Religious and Lay Marianists who walk with students discerning Religious Life!
We welcome students to discernment and reflection evenings at the communities of our Sisters, Brothers and Priests. We also organize celebrations of the Church and highlight National Catholic Sisters Week, National Vocation Awareness Week and more.
Members of the Marianist Accompaniment Team at UD walk with students at any point in their discernment journey whether they feel a call to a specific religious order or not, or if they feel a call to be a diocesan priest. Our members are listed below and can be reached at vocations.ohio@marianist.us for more information or to set up a time to meet.
Maureen O’Rourke
Fr. Ted Cassidy, SM