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Advisor and Non-UD Religious Organization Information

UD Faculty and Staff members

UD Faculty and Staff members desiring to support a Student Religious Organization should be in contact with that organization and Rev. Renita Green.

Non-UD Liaison Requirement Checklist

As a Non-UD Liaison requesting to support a Student Led Religious Organization at the University of Dayton, there are several steps which need to take place. Please know that UD Campus Ministry is here to support you during this process. Rev. Renita Green is available to answer any of your questions.

If the proposed student organization has a relationship with a non-UD religious organization, the non-UD liaison must complete the information below. 

Liaison's should be familiar with the University Policy: Religious / Faith-based Student Organizations at the University of Dayton

Before non-UD liaisons can begin supporting their student organization, the following process must be completed. Please note that this process includes the completion and returning of several documents.

  1.  Non-UD Liaison Information Checklist      
    1. Complete this Organization and Liaison information form to provide basic information regarding you liaison position.
    2. Each liaison must provide a current professional resume. Pease email your resume to Rev. Renita Green.
    3. Review the University Volunteer policy. Once you have reviewed the policy, complete the Volunteer Agreement Form and email the completed form to
    4. Complete the Campus Ministry Volunteer Agreement - This agreement will give you information on what to do if you encounter a student for whom you have concerns for their well being. It also describes how to report situations of harassment, discrimination and assault and lists valuable campus contact information that will be useful in situations of concern or imminent danger. Please print, sign and date this agreement then scan and email the completed form to Rev. Renita Green
    5. Review Background Check Policy and complete Background Check paperwork/process. All completed forms should be emailed to Rev. Renita Green :
      1. Read the Background Check Policy. Section A2 of the policy specifically covers unpaid non-UD employees.
      2. Print and complete the Fingerprint Consent Form. 
      3. Print and complete the Fingerprint Information Form.
      4. Print and complete the Background Verification form.
      5. Once all forms have been submitted to Rev. Renita Green, UD Human Resources or UD Public Safety will contact you to schedule a processing time if needed.
  2. Schedule a review meeting with Rev. Renita Green, Associate Director Religious Diversity and Ecumenical Ministry
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Campus Ministry

Liberty Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408