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Existing Organizations Information

Annual Renewal Process for Existing Groups

FVL Gathering

Existing organizations renew their organization annually through both Campus Ministry and the Center for Student Involvement.

Leaders of currently recognized student religious organizations must renew their organization by May 31 via 1850 for the next academic year. Also be sure to submit your Student Religious Organization Financial Report by May 31 if you have received funding from Campus Ministry in the current academic year.

If you need to update information (a new officer, new adviser, new liaison, etc.), please update that information as soon as possible using 1850.

Also, update names and contact information for new advisers or non-UD liaisons (when a liaison changes, other material is required. See Advisor and Non-UD Religious Organization Liaison Information.)

For more information contact:
$currentProfile.firstName $currentProfile.lastName

Campus Ministry

Liberty Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408