Miryam Award
Recognizing Change and Support for Women
The Miryam Award was initiated by Campus Ministry's Center for Social Concern in 1996 as a way to recognize the efforts of people on our campus to change the atmosphere and the potential for women's achievements here at the University of Dayton. Significant changes and support for women have been made through the courage, the determination, and the persistence of individual women and men as well as organizations in the campus community.
Each year, the Miryam Award is given to an individual (student, faculty, or staff) or a group (student organizations, committees, programs, etc.) on the UD campus whose actions:
1. Enhance the climate for and support the advancement of women on the UD campus;
2. Go beyond one’s normal UD duties in advancing the campus community for women; and
3. Reflect the mission of the University.
Faculty, staff, or students may nominate for this award.
Nominations for 2025 are due on February 7.
The Miryam Award Selection Committee will meet and review all submitted nominations in late February. The committee will consider each nominee based upon responses to the three criteria areas identified on the nomination form. Therefore, it is important that nominators submit clear and concise information regarding their nominees. The Selection Committee will identify the Miryam Award recipient(s) in early March.
Nomination Form
Prayer Service and Reception
To honor the award winner/s, each year there will be a prayer service and reception on or around March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation. The prayer service is planned and organized to reflect the values, hopes, and dreams of the winner/s and to reflect the spirit of the Feast Day. After the prayer service, the winner/s will be officially recognized.
We will celebrate the winner for 2025 on March 25 at 3:30pm in KU West Ballroom. Please RSVP to cscoutreach@udayton.edu if you would like to attend. Please contact Mary Niebler for more information.
2023: Megan Dickinson, class of ’23, and Laura Toomb, senior lecturer in Communications
2022: Cheryl Sims, Assistant Director, Prospect Research in Advancement
2021: Laura Bistrek, the Executive Director of the Diversity in Engineering Center
2020: Dr Megan Reissman and the Dayton Athletics Women Leaders
2019: PAVE (Peers Advocating for Violence Education)
2018: Beth Herdmann and F3USE
2017: Katie Brossart, Colleen McDaniel, and Christine Schramm
2016: Irene Dickey and Molly Armstrong Schaller
2015: Malcolm Daniels and the Society of Women Engineers
2014: Shauna Adams and Shane White
2013: Debra Monk and Corinne Witherspoon
2012: Elizabeth Reeves , Alisa Bartel and Alex Kreidenweis
2011: Dr. Judith Martin, Claire Hampel, and Annie Buscemi
2010: Grace Crivello and Dr. Betty Youngkin
2009: Dr. Sheila Hassel Hughes and Caitlin Cronin
2008: Advocating for Women’s Equality
2007: Sr. Mary Louise Foley, FMI
2006: Amy Lopez-Matthews
2005: Ashley Neu and the Annie T Thornton Women’s Leadership Conference
2004: Kathy Watters and Katie King
2003: Pat Johnson
2002: POP and Original Steering Committee
2001: SAFE (Students Advocating Female Equality)
2000: Barbara Farrelly
1999: Women’s Studies Program
1998: Bro. Raymond Fitz, SM
1997: Mary Neacy
1996: Title IX Committee