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Life Coaching

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Howard Thurman

Life Coaching

Have you heard of life coaching but you’re not sure exactly what it is? Life coaching gives you the opportunity to set aside time to reflect and find a path to reach your goals. Through regular and intentional conversations, you will clarify your goals, uncover what may be holding you back and make specific plans to move forward.

Through discernment and discovery, you can create a road map for life!

 Student meeting with campus minister

What are the benefits of working with a life coach?

  • Discern your calling and purpose
  • Discover more about who you are and what gives you joy
  • Focus on achieving your dreams and goals
  • Find clarity about a path forward
  • Decide on next steps

What does a typical coaching session look like?

  • You meet one-on-one with your coach.
  • Typically, sessions last 45 minutes-one hour. Most people prefer to meet weekly or every two weeks for 4 sessions. 
  • These sessions are FREE

Hi, I’m Elizabeth!

I am a faith-focused coach and campus minister.  I am a two-time UD grad with my undergrad degree in business and my master’s degree in pastoral ministry.  I worked in the business world for a few years before following my heart to do ministry full-time. I love journeying with UD students as they discover and explore who they are.  I am married and have three children. In my spare time, I love staying active through various forms of exercise, spending time with friends, and kombucha brewing. 

I completed an ICF-accredited coaching program and am pursuing working towards the ACC credential.

Together, during our life coaching sessions, we will identify areas of strength as well as areas of disappointment and frustration and create goals and aim for the future you envision. 

How Can a Coach Help?

Coaching is a unique and intentional relationship that is all about YOU! You have been uniquely created with talents and gifts which, when given proper care, will continue to grow throughout your entire life. You have potential that likely far exceeds your present vision. Inside of you are possibilities, dreams, and goals that are yours for the finding, cultivating, and living. A coach will help you turn those possibilities into reality.

"A coach is a person who meets you where you are and helps you get to where you want to be."

To find out more, reach out to Elizabeth Montgomery or fill out this form.

Coaching is not telling people what to do; it’s giving them a chance to examine what they are doing in light of their intentions.

James Flaherty

IMPORTANT: Life Coaching is not therapy.  It is not about "fixing" individuals; rather, it is about helping you make powerful choices that will benefit yourself, your loved ones, and, ultimately, the world. Life Coaching is not about what has happened in the past, but about the future, you dream of living. It is also different from spiritual direction. Spiritual direction is more about being with God and coaching is more about doing and designing actions. Spiritual coaching is a way to involve a spiritual element to the traditional coaching relationship. A spiritual coach will guide their clients to find inner happiness, peace, and harmony while supporting them on their journey to finding their own sense of wholeness.


Campus Ministry

Liberty Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408