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Where are you reading?

Where are you reading?

Jeaneen Parsons August 10, 2021

Where are you reading University of Dayton Magazine?


The Governor’s Palace in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, was the perfect spot for Bill Simonton ’73 and Linda Dollman Simonton ’92 to relax with UD Magazine. 



Barb Mondl Wulff ’68, Mary Kienlen Sabo ’68 and Jill Wulff Messner ’96 gathered in Chicago for a post-COVID vaccine reunion. In addition to sharing excellent taste in reading materials, the three also lived at 1322 Brown St. while attending UD — albeit 27 years apart.



Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, home to the Frank Lloyd Wright Bachman-Wilson House in Bentonville, Arkansas, brought two generations of Flyers together in November. Ruth Monnier ’13 and her father, Rick Monnier ’82, took in the Ansel Adams In Our Time exhibit during their trip.




Blake Pilgrim ’08 and Stephanie Wurth Pilgrim ’09 took their daughters Emery (2), Mia (4) and Ella (6) to see the rock formations in Arches National Park in Moab, Utah.



While U.S. Air Force Capt. Sarah Kociuba ’12 was flying over Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida, before Super Bowl LV, fellow Flyer Janet Wilkinson ’77 was cheering her on from below. “I was one of the lucky health care workers chosen to attend the Super Bowl. Many thanks to the NFL for an amazing experience,” Wilkinson said.



There’s nothing these snowbirding Florida Flyers enjoy more than golfing, socializing and reading
UD Magazine. Gary McLaughlin ’75, Sandy Shelton Freeman ’85 and George “Bernie” Tuttle ’68 spend their winters in Clermont, Florida.



Daniel Troy ’70 used a legislative recess to enjoy glancing through UD Magazine on the floor of the Ohio House of Representatives in Columbus, Ohio. “After two years as a private citizen, I had to get back into government for what is now my 44th year in elected public office,” Troy said.



What better place to read UD Magazine than right where it got started? Gary Merline ’78 stopped by his alma mater this spring while passing through Dayton on a road trip from Nashville. “It’s my first time back in over 40 years,” he said.



Flyers certainly seem to love Florida. Eric Yerian ’02, Lisa Rechtsteiner Yerian ’01 and their son, Eli (5), showed off their UD pride on the beach in Destin, Florida.



They don’t call it the Grand Canyon for nothing. Gary Spino ’84, his husband, Tony, and their son, Nicholas, visited the national park in Arizona to relive a previous trip. “Tony and I last hiked to the bottom of the canyon 25 years ago. Without sounding ageist, doing it now at our age is a lot more challenging,” Spino said. He added, “Thanks for posting ‘Where Are You Reading’ — it’s my favorite part of the magazine.”


As Flyers visiting Down Under, Christopher Spieles ’88 and his children Katie Spieles ’18 and Aaron Spieles ’21 paused to snap a photo in front of the Sydney Opera House in Australia before heading in for a performance of Madama Butterfly.



Class of 1983 roommates Colin Kinsella and Tom Joyce stay in touch after all these years. Last winter, the pair visited Deer Valley in Park City, Utah, for some skiing and reading.



Where are you reading University of Dayton Magazine? Send us your photo to


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