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Flyer time: 7:10 p.m., Central Mall

Flyer time: 7:10 p.m., Central Mall

Kat Niekamp ’21 July 21, 2021

On a beautiful Saturday night, students lined up on the Central Mall to punt a football, putt at miniature golf and shoot free throws, aiming at brightly colored, inflated fabric gently swaying in the breeze. The inflatable games were part of a UDLateNight event designed and hosted by the Center for Student Involvement. It was one of many spring activities offered to uplift and energize students. Said Brenda Lumbreras Sanchez, a senior accounting major with the Campus Activities Board, “These activities served as an escape for the students on campus to relax from their busy schedules and enjoy fun with their friends while following the safety measures.”

11:45 a.m., Marycrest