An upcoming exhibit at the University will feature engravings by renowned Augsburg artist Josef Sebastian Klauber from a rare 18th century book.
"Litany of Loreto in Images" runs Jan. 24 to March 10 in the Marian Library gallery, located on the seventh floor of Roesch Library. The exhibit is free and open to the public 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Each image depicts a litany, or special prayer to Mary, mother of Christ, according to the Rev. Johann Roten, S.M., Marian Library director of research, art and special projects. The images are related to a famous Marian shrine housed in Loreto, Italy.
The 44 engravings illustrate the invocations of the famous Litany of Loreto with symbols from the Old Testament, classical culture and the history of Christian spirituality. Named after the Italian Marian sanctuary, the litany is not only a cherished spiritual treasure, but also a concise theology of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The exhibit is “one of the attempts to we make to reach into our own treasures” housed in the Marian Library collection, Roten said. The library holds the largest repository in the world of books, artwork and artifacts devoted to Mary.
For more information, call 937-229-4214 or visit for a schedule, directions and parking details.