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Resources for Teaching

To ensure that your syllabus is accessible to all students and also contains the required "Students with Disabilities" insert, the Office of Learning Resources has made a template available. The template includes instructions and additional information.

Accessible Syllabus Template (Word Document)

Accessible Syllabus Template Completed Example (Word Document)

Roesch Library contains an extensive library of faculty professional development and organizational development books.

Examples include: 

  • Developing Quality Dissertations in the Social Sciences
  • Tools for Teaching
  • The Learning Portfolio
  • Developing Learner-Centered Teaching
  • Organizing Higher Education for Collaboration
  • Best Practices for Supporting Adjunct Faculty
  • The Academic Chair’s Handbook
  • Teaching the Large College Class: A Guidebook for Instructors with Multitudes
  • Diversity Across the Curriculum: A Guide for Faculty in Higher Education
  • The Course Syllabus: A Learning Centered Approach
  • The Formation of Scholars: Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty- First Century.

Roesch Library Catalog

Inside the Studio videos feature topics of general academic interest drawn from the presenter’s field of study or academic interest.  The presenters included in this library are:

Susan Gardstrom, Irene Dickey, David Wright, Margaret Pinnell, Molly Schaller, and Stephen Wilhoit

Inside the Studio Library

All are expected to make every effort to be supportive of those who make requests for religious accommodation in order to respect the rights of faculty, staff, and students to observe religious traditions and to support the diversity of faith expression in the campus community. 

Those who request reasonable accommodations are expected to give advance notice of their request (e.g. within the first two weeks of class, as soon as meeting conflicts are identified, etc.) to the appropriate person (professor, chair, direct supervisor, etc.).

Everyone at the university is expected to be sensitive to and consider the religious needs of faculty, staff, and students when scheduling meetings and events, so as not to exclude the participation of others who may otherwise expect to or need to be present.

Given the complexity of robust campus schedules, classroom requirements, and workplace needs, there may be reasonable limits to the extent that religious accommodations can be extended.   Two-way communication is important, in any case, to consider circumstances and determine possibilities or limits, when necessary.  

Religious Accommodations

A special “Vocation and Calling” collection is available in Roesch Library through the generosity of a NetVUE grant and continuing support of the Provost Office. This collection contains over 100 volumes of significant research and materials useful for vocation implementation across the curriculum.  You can search this collection through the library catalogue.

Roesch Library Catalog

The Write Place and Roesch Library's reference services offer free research and writing assistance on any assignment, at any stage of the writing process. Additionally, UDit’s TechExpress offers free technical support for printing, password troubleshooting and laptops. These services are offered at Roesch Library’s first-floor Information Point. Hours are listed online at No appointment is necessary, although they are available; to make an appointment with the Write Place, email; to make an appointment with a librarian, see


Faculty Development
