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Professional Learning Opportunities

Click in the lists below for information on programs offered through the LTC.

Cohort Programs (Meet multiple times over a semester)

AsPIRE is an acronym for Associate Professor Inquiry, Reflection, and Exploration and serves as the title for a year-long, ten session seminar intended to provide a cohort of tenured associate professors from across the curriculum an opportunity to critically examine and more clearly define their professional aspirations at the University and to develop the skills, confidence, and understanding necessary to make productive, more fulfilling choices in their career paths.  Each faculty cohort explores and reflects on possible opportunities, roles, and goals available to them in the areas of teaching, research, and service; charts a course of professional development that best suits their talents, ambitions, and passions in light of the University’s mission; and supports each other’s growth toward self-fulfillment and a clarity of purpose.  The seminar is capped at fifteen participants per year.

The seminar is open to any associate professor at the University of Dayton.  Participants are expected to commit themselves to attending every session; making the seminar a priority in their schedules; completing all assigned reading and writing activities; exploring all course material and engaging in all seminar discussions sincerely, openly, and honestly; and serving as a supportive peer.

Program learning outcomes

As a result of completing the Aspire program, participants will:

(1) create a set of specific, personal short- and long-term teaching, research, service, and leadership goals;

(2)create a professional development plan that will help them achieve these goals;

(3)articulate a set of strategies for achieving and maintaining personal well being while achieving these goals;

(4)explain how their plans for personal and professional development contribute to the University’s, unit’s and/or department’s mission; and

(5)agree that their participation in the program has helped them reexamine and better define their personal and professional development goals.

A professional learning program aimed at helping faculty understand UD, its systems, and key resources in and around the Ryan C. Harris Learning Teaching Center used to drive student success.

ATLS Website

The E-Learning Fellows program brings together a cohort of 12 faculty members through face-to-face and online meetings to learn how to create and deliver high-quality online courses. The program culminates with each participant developing a complete online or hybrid course that meets uniform, high-quality standards.

E-Learning Fellows

Leadership UD is a year-long program for nominated faculty and staff designed to cultivate leadership capabilities and a leadership mindset among high interest/high potential UD employees.

Leadership UD (Porches Login Required)


The LTC Studio space is intended to be a laboratory for faculty to experiment with innovative teaching practices.  There are two ways to engage this innovative classroom space: (1) become a Studio Fellow for the entire semester, or (2) experiment with the Studio in a more tailored manner for a specific time period and activity during the semester.  Faculty who choose to teach in this space pledge to become part of a community of practice that supports and cultivates their goals in teaching and student learning, whether throughout the entire semester or during a narrower window of time.  After teaching in this space, the hope is faculty will integrate these efforts into all of their teaching. Only faculty who follow the established process will be assigned teaching time in the Studio.

Studio Fellows

Each semester a small cohort of faculty will be selected via an application process.

Faculty who elect to become LTC Studio Fellows agree to:
•Participate in cohort roundtable sessions (at least two offerings per semester)
•Share and discuss their experiences teaching, both with their cohort and with their colleagues across the university
•Try new methods of teaching and be willing to stumble in and learn from those pursuits
•Help and support one another in their pursuits
•Be willing to experiment with and adapt technology enhancements in the Studio
•Assist with training incoming Studio Fellows by sharing pedagogical approaches
•Complete a feedback assessment after participating in the program
•Ensure the department chair of the Studio Fellow is aware that experimentation in the Studio could affect SET scores and feedback.

Please note that the LTC Studio has a cap of 14 students.

Faculty members who complete the LTC Studio Fellows program will receive:
• An "LTC Studio Fellow for Teaching Innovation" designation
•Opportunity to engage in cross-disciplinary community of practice
•Consultation and support services from the Learning Teaching Center and UDit

Questions about becoming a Studio Fellow?
Faculty members interested in teaching in the Studio should reach out to LTC Fellow Nicola Work,, 229-32520.

Questions can also be directed to Nicola Work, or David Wright,

About the Program

Each year the University of Dayton provides a unique opportunity for faculty to interact and network across disciplines and schools, and to develop and adopt improved practices for learning and teaching. Offered by the Ryan C. Harris Learning Teaching Center and supported by the Faculty Development Committee and the Office of the Provost, the program aims to provide professional development for faculty seeking ways to maximize learning (of both students and faculty) for academic excellence.  To date, over 300 faculty have participated in the Teaching Fellows Program.

Faculty join the program following recommendations made by department chairs.  It is incumbent on the department chair and faculty member to ensure they are able to attend both the fall and winter seminars.


  • Designation as a University Teaching Fellow
  • Teaching consultation and other support services on a variety of teaching activities.
  • An enjoyable collegial experience.

The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) workshop began in the winter of 1999. Over the years, this workshop has received rave reviews from participants, several of who have said it was the best faculty development program they have ever attended. This workshop involves 10-12 faculty members from across the university who gather to discuss how writing can aid learning in the disciplines and how instructors can use writing more effectively in their classes.

The group meets thirteen times over the terms. Participants will be expected to read background material, produce new course material, share this material with the workshop participants, and participate actively in discussions. Those participating in the workshop will derive several benefits:

  • Become better teachers by using writing to increase learning and gain a better understanding of strategies for using writing more effectively.
  • Develop new instructional material to use in their classes and gather new ideas for improving students' learning and performance.
  • Work with a group of interested, motivated, well-respected colleagues, forming new friendships in a relaxed, informal setting.

How do you participate in this workshop?

Invitations to participate are sent to all UD faculty and staff through email the semester before the each workshop begins.

Other Programs offered by LTC

As a Catholic, Marianist institution dedicated to the development of the whole person, the Learning Teaching Forum looks at how different parts of the University collaborate, cross boundaries, and contribute to students' holistic success and development. The Forum is an opportunity for faculty and staff to investigate and dialogue about what it really means to educate the whole person, both inside and beyond the classroom.

Learning Teaching Form Website

The purpose of New Faculty Orientation Week is to help incoming faculty quickly get onboarded to the most necessary elements of UD’s community, systems, and support resources. It is also a time for new faculty to get to know one another and current staff and faculty who can help answer questions at any time as you begin and progress in your career at UD.

New Faculty Orientation

The LTC sponsors semester-long groups of faculty and staff who read current books about teaching and learning. Participants receive free copies of the books in exchange for attending designated sessions in the LTC where they share their insights on the texts with their group.

Books discussed at Past Reading Groups

Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning

Teach Students How to Learn: Strategies You Can Incorporate into Any Course to Improve Student Metacognition, Study Skills, and Motivation

Supersurvivors: The Link Between Suffering and Success

Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty

Make Just One Change: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions

Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World

Learner-Centered Teaching: Five Key Changes to Practice

Diversity across the Curriculum: A Guide for Faculty in Higher Education

Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled-- and More Miserable Than Ever Before

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

Teaching with Your Mouth Shut

The Unheard Voices:  Community Organizations and Service Learning

The Flipped Classroom

On Student Reading (or the Absence of Student Reading)

Learner-Centered Teaching: Five Key Changes to Practice, 2nd edition

Dynamic Lecturing: Research-based Strategies to Enhance Lecture Effectiveness

logo of SOCHE Education

Free webinars on multiple topics related to learning, teaching, and student success provided by Innovative Educators through UD's SOCHE membership.  

SOCHE Webinars

Writing with Friends is designed to provide large blocks of uninterrupted time for a small group of faculty to conduct research and write toward a wide range of projects, including journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, and grant proposals.  Writing with Friends recognizes that while research and writing are largely solitary, private activities, writers often find comfort and encouragement by working with and around other writers.  Writing with Friends is held in January and May each year.

This year, the LTC will also be offering mid-semester Writing with Friends workshops in response to faculty input that more of these sessions would be helpful to move forward with writing projects.


Faculty Development
