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Academic Integrity

Honor Code

As a Marianist Catholic university committed to the education of the whole person, the University of Dayton expects all members of the university community to strive for excellence.  Academic integrity is a personal and institutional commitment to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.  Faculty, administration, and staff are instrumental in creating an environment in which students can develop these five values, by modeling the way and by creating systems, processes, and structures that support integrity.

Community is built on relationships characterized by inclusive trust.  Academic integrity is about developing a personal moral compass that informs our everyday actions as we build inclusive trust within our increasingly diverse community.  Trust within a community dedicated to learning, scholarship and service is built by individual members making personal commitments to academic integrity.  Each member of the community can model this commitment to others through our daily actions.  Our behaviors ultimately demonstrate our appreciation for academic integrity through an obligation for creating authentic original academic works.  By our daily actions, we shape our values and ultimately define our character.


Faculty Development
