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Equipment Lending

Our collection of equipment and accessories helps keep you connected and creative. Whether you want to charge your laptop, create a podcast, or make a button, we have a device for you.

Tech Essentials

Stay connected and charged with a variety of USB chargers, adapters and computer accessories like mice and keyboards.

Audio/Video Production Equipment

Get creative with podcasting and vlogging kits, microphones and other equipment to create high-quality media projects for assignments, presentations or personal projects.


Choose from a range of financial, graphing and scientific calculators for studying and assignments.

Digital Cameras and Camcorders
Capture high-quality images and videos with digital cameras, tripods and camcorders.
Entertainment and Media Players

Listen, watch and present with portable CD/DVD players, bluetooth speakers, headphones, projectors and virtual reality headsets for immersive media experiences.

Button Makers

Make custom buttons with our button makers to promote your cause — or just to express yourself!