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Health and Wellness Society

Health and Wellness Society

The Health and Wellness Society provides students the opportunity to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle incorporating the “seven dimensions of wellness” as promulgated by the UD Office of Student Development, which includes social, spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, occupational, and environmental welfare, while building camaraderie between fellow students as well as networking with the UDSL alumni in a constructive, non-pressured setting.

Constitution for Health and Wellness Society (pdf)

Events sponsored will include:

  • physical/outdoor activities throughout the year such as golf, hiking, skiing, etc.;
  • guest speakers to discuss the promotion of student health, stress management, and nutrition; and
  • additional activities that promote Marianist values and the the University's health and wellness initiative.

Advisors: Vicki VanZandt and Lori Shaw Robol


School of Law

Keller Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2760