Phi Alpha Delta
Phi Alpha Delta
Phi Alpha Delta is an international fraternity created to “form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement; so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of honorable professional and public service.”
Phi Alpha Delta is the largest student organization at the University of Dayton School of Law. The first class of Waite Chapter members graduated from UDSL in 1977 and the chapter has been active ever since.
Major Initiatives: We hope that our annual event that will continue to be a tradition for future members to enjoy. We also hope to advance our community initiatives through services projects in the Dayton area.
Advisor: Lori Shaw Robol
Co-Justices: Morgan Ensign and Caroline Hauer
Vice Justice: Emma Hughes
Secretary: Averee Richardson
Contact: Morgan Ensign (ensignm1@udayton.edu) or Caroline Hauer (hauerc1@udayton.edu)