School of Law : Oath of Professionalism
Oath of Professionalism
All students at the University of Dayton School of Law take the Oath of Professionalism, marking your official entry into the legal profession:
As I begin the study of law at the University of Dayton, I, ______________, gratefully acknowledge the privileges inherent in becoming a lawyer and willingly accept the responsibilities that must accompany those privileges.
From this day forward, I promise to do my utmost to live up to the high ideals of my chosen profession. I will remember that my actions reflect not only upon myself, but upon the University of Dayton School of Law and the legal profession. I vow to be a person of principle, compassion, strength, and courage. At all times, I will conduct myself with dignity and civility and show kindness and respect toward my classmates, professors, staff, and all persons.
I have read the University of Dayton School of Law Honor Code, and I hereby commit that I will conduct my life in accordance with the values and standards expressed therein.
This pledge I take freely and upon my honor.