Academic Probation and Dismissal
Academic Probation
Any student whose cumulative GPA at the end of any regular semester is below 2.20, but who is eligible to continue studies in the School of Law (whether under the terms of these academic standards or by virtue of readmission), is on "academic probation."
A student on academic probation is subject to the following restrictions:
- He or she may not hold part or full time employment (whether or not compensated) without the written approval of the associate dean for academic affairs.
- He or she may not participate as an elective officer or a working member of any student activity or faculty committee without the written approval of the associate dean for academic affairs.
- Students on academic probation at the end of their first semester in law school shall be required during their second semester at the law school to enroll in the course entitled “Elements in Legal Analysis” and shall be required to defer enrollment in the Constitutional Law course until the next regularly scheduled offering of that course. In addition, students on academic probation at the end of their first semester in law school must meet with the associate dean for academic affairs for academic counseling.
- An upper-level student on academic probation must meet with the associate dean for academic affairs and the director of academic success programs for academic counseling by the end of the fourth week of the next semester in which the student is enrolled in classes at the School of Law. Any upper-level student failing to comply with this required academic counseling requirement with the associate dean for academic affairs and the director of academic success programs will not be permitted to register for any classes in any subsequent semester without written approval from the associate dean for academic affairs.
- Upper-level students on academic probation may enroll only in “core courses.” For this purpose, “core courses” are those that are required and other courses taken by a majority of law students before graduation. For good cause shown, the associate dean may approve enrollment in other courses up to one-fourth of the credit hours taken by the student during that semester.
A student who is on academic probation at the end of his or her second regular semester must raise his or her cumulative GPA by one-half the difference between his or her GPA and 2.20 by the end of the third regular semester, and must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.20 or higher by the end of the fourth regular semester. Failure to make progress as required by this section results in academic dismissal.
For the purpose of applying academic standards for probation in law school:
- A transfer student is considered as a third semester student, even though he or she may have less than 30 hours of credit and/or may be registered for first-year courses, and
- Attendance at two summer sessions shall not be considered as the equivalent of attending one semester.
Academic Dismissal
Students who fail to meet certain academic criteria as set out in the School of Law's Policy Manual are dismissed for academic reasons.
Consult the Policy Manual, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the School of Law Registrar for clarification of these policies.
Readmission is a means for students who have been academically dismissed from the University of Dayton School of Law to resume their legal studies after twenty-one months from the date of their dismissal if they are first-year students, or after nine months from the date of their dismissal if they are upper-level or Hybrid students, under a limited set of circumstances. The term "readmission" includes both reinstatement to continue (from the point of dismissal) and to begin "afresh" (that is, start law school again).