Law In The Americas Webinar Series
The University of Dayton School of Law (UDSL), as part of the internationalization of its Online LL.M. Program, will host the exclusive "Law in the Americas" webinar series featuring thought leaders in the fields of law and legal education. The online series will create an opportunity for dialogues on influence, cross-fertilization, and comparative legal practices between the U.S. and Latin American countries. It will also provide a forum for faculty and students from the University of Dayton School of Law's university partners to explore cutting-edge legal issues in the Americas and opportunities for future faculty collaboration.
Online LL.M. Program
The University of Dayton School of Law's Online LL.M. Program brings together law students and graduates from around the world to learn about U.S. law and legal practice. Qualified LL.M. students earn their LL.M. degree in as little as one year and establish a path to bar eligibility in certain states.
In Partnership with Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Ever since app-based companies Uber and Lyft took off on the streets of California, analogous labor platforms have been at the center of contentious debates around worker status and labor protections in judicial and legislative arenas across the globe. Watch this webinar for a discussion that brings ride-hail workers into focus and considers recent developments and future trajectories in worker status and labor protections in a comparative context.
Federico Rosenbaum Carli, Associate Professor of Law, Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Pamela Izvănariu, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Dayton School of Law
In Partnership With Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
The panelists examined the ways legal writing skills are taught to students.
Denise Neves Abade, Public Law Professor at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Senior Federal Prosecutor
Ericka Curran, Assistant Professor of Lawyering Skills; Leadership Honors Program Director, University of Dayton School of Law
In partnership with Universidad de La Sabana
The panelists explored the issues around copyrights and vaccines for COVID-19.
Juan Fernando Córdoba Marentes, Decano, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad de La Sabana
Dalindyebo Shabalala, Associate Professor of Law, University of Dayton School of Law
IN Partnership With University De São Paulo
The move toward online instruction, as exemplified at the University of Dayton School of Law, coupled with the move to virtual instruction in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping professional legal education in both Brazil and the United States. Against this background, the panelists, all of whom are experienced teaching online, reflected on their experiences while offering tips for those who are, or may soon be, teaching virtually.
Nina Beatriz Stocco Ranieri, Associate Professor II, Department of Public Law, UNESCO Chair on the Right to Education, Researcher, Center for Public Policy, University de São Paulo
Charles J. Russo, M. Div., J.D., Ed.D., Director, Ph.D. Program in Educational Leadership and Research Professor of Law, University of Dayton School of Law and School of Education
Victoria VanZandt, Assistant Dean, Online Hybrid J.D. Program, Professor of Lawyering Skills, and Co-coordinator of Institutional Assessment, University of Dayton School of Law
In Partnership with Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo
The panelists explored various courts and their role in handling social issues that have strong proponents on both sides.
Dr. Pablo Alarcón Peña, Director de la Escuela de Postgrado en Derecho UEES/UEES Graduate School of Law Director
Jeff Schmitt, Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs and Associate Professor of Law, University of Dayton School of Law
In Partnership with Universidad Argentina de la Empresa
The panelists explored various issues around copyright law and the challenges it faces from digital technologies.
Pablo Iannello, Director of the Program of Law and Technology, UADE; Visiting Scholar, UNIDROIT Institute; Adjunct Professor, University of Dayton School of Law; Professor, UdeSA - WIPO LL.M.
Tracy Reilly, NCR Professor of Law and Technology and Director of the Program in Law and Technology, University of Dayton School of Law
Denise Neves Abade is a Professor of Law at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Sao Paulo, Brazil), where she also serves as an International Representative for the Alphaville campus. She is also a senior Federal Prosecutor and former Attorney General’s Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Unit (2017-2019). She has a Ph.D. in Constitutional and Procedural Law (Valladolid University, Spain) and has an LL.M. in Procedural Law at Universidade de Sao Paulo, where she also received her law degree. Denise Abade is the author of three law books and co-author of several collective books, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. She has also written several articles for specialized journals.
Federico Rosenbaum Carli is an Associate Professor of labor law and social security at Catholic University of Uruguay, where he also serves as the Director of Academic Programs and a partner at Rosenbaum, Castello, & Jiménez de Aréchaga. Dr. Rosenbaum Carli received his doctorate in Administration, Finance, and Justice in the Social State from the University of Salamanca School of Law, where he also received his LLM in Labor Law and Labor Relations. His dissertation was on platform work and issues of legal classification. Having earned his law degree at Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Dr. Rosenbaum Carli is also a member of Uruguayan Association of Labor Law and the Community for Research and Labor and Occupational Study (CIELO).
@FRosenbaumCarli - Twitter
Dr. Luis Castillo Córdova has a law degree from the University of Piura (Perú) and a Ph.D. in Law from the University of La Coruña (Spain). He is Principal Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Piura and was Dean at Faculty of Law of the University of Piura from 2013 to 2016. He teaches Constitutional Law, Procedural Constitutional Law and Legal Reasoning. He has also had roles as a Professor at the Academy of the Magistracy of Peru and a Counselor of the Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano Law Firm.
Ericka Curran joined the University of Dayton School of Law in August 2019 as an Assistant Professor in the Legal Professions department and was named Leadership Honors Program Director in May 2020. Professor Curran comes to UD after a twelve-year background in clinical and experiential legal education with a focus on immigration and human rights. Prof. Curran received her law degree from Seattle University School of Law and went on to practice Immigration Law. Professor Curran has served on the Board of Directors of the American Immigration Lawyers Association Central Florida Chapter and has chaired numerous committees.
Professor Erica Goldberg joined the University of Dayton School of Law faculty in August 2017. Prior to her appointment, she was an assistant professor at Ohio Northern University Law School. She also taught Legal Research and Writing as a Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School and Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, and Law and Religion as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Penn State Law School.
Pablo Iannello is an attorney, who graduated from Buenos Aires University. His many roles include, Director of the Program of Law and Technology at UADE, Visiting Scholar at UNIDROIT Institute, Adjunct Professor at the University of Dayton School of Law, and Professor at the UdeSA-WIPO LL.M. His areas of research are Law and Economics, Intellectual Property, Competition Policy, and Law and Technology.
Professor Pamela Izvănariu is an Assistant Professor at University of Dayton School of Law. Before coming to Dayton, she was the Director of Florida International University’s Research Institute for Social and Economic Policy and the Director of Research and Development and of the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment at UCLA. As faculty member at FIU and UCLA, she taught classes in labor and employment law, labor studies, and critical race theory. She is a recipient of the Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Award. Professor Izvănariu received her JD from Loyola University Chicago and her LLM from UCLA. Her current legal research and doctoral research in sociology at CUNY’s Graduate Center focuses on app-based ride-hail work, precarity, and worker status.
Decano de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas. Doctor en Derecho de la Universidad Austral, Argentina. Master of Laws, University Of Queensland, Australia. Posgrado en Derecho Arbitral, University Of Queensland, Australia. Posgrado en Derecho de Internet y Comercio Electrónico de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Especialista en Derecho de Las Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Abogado de la Universidad de La Sabana.
Ha sido profesor invitado de múltiples universidades nacionales e internacionales. Actualmente profesor tiempo completo y Director de la Escuela de Postgrado en Derecho de la Universidad Espíritu Santo, y del programa "Contrastes" de la misma universidad. Ha realizado una carrera de asesoría técnica en el ex Tribunal Constitucional y la Corte Constitucional del Ecuador desde el año 2003 hasta el año 2018; perito ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en diversos casos. Autor de varios libros y artículos publicados en revistas nacionales e internacionales, particularmente en las líneas de derecho constitucional, derecho procesal constitucional, derechos humanos, garantías constitucionales, teoría del derecho y trasplantes jurídicos.
Nina Beatriz Stocco Ranieri, Ph.D., is Associate Professor II in the Department of Public Law of the University of São Paulo’s Law School as the UNESCO Chair on the Right to Education and Senior Researcher at its Center for Public Policy. Ranieri held positions in the São Paulo State´s Government and public education, advising international and national entities on aspects of the right to education and education law; she currently serves on São Paulo’s State Board of Education. Author of books and articles on Public Law and Education Law and a member of national and international academic editorial boards, Ranieri was elected to the São Paulo State Academy of Education in 2018.
Tracy Reilly teaches real property and intellectual property courses at the School of Law and is the Director of the Program In Law and Technology. Before joining the faculty in 2006, she was a partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP in Chicago, where she worked in the areas of intellectual property, entertainment, advertising, and corporate law. She has also worked as in-house counsel for an independent record label where she specialized in international licensing transactions, at a boutique entertainment law firm in Chicago, and as a law clerk for both the Honorable Wayne R. Andersen in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois and the Honorable Anne M. Burke in the Appellate Court of Illinois. Her clients have included Kraft, Sara Lee, Kellogg, Honeywell, Madison Dearborn Partners, United Airlines, the Chicago Sun-Times, Rand McNally, and the estates of gospel star Mahalia Jackson and Charles Stepney, producer for Earth, Wind & Fire.
Charles J. Russo, M. Div., J.D., Ed. D., is the Joseph Panzer Chair in Education in the School of Education and Health Sciences, Director of its Ph.D. Program, and Research Professor of Law in the School of Law at the University of Dayton. He previously taught at Fordham University in his native New York City, and the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. The 1998-99 President of the Education Law Association, and 2002 recipient of its McGhehey (Achievement) Award, he authored or co-authored more than 325 articles in peer-reviewed journals; authored, co-authored, edited, or co-edited 73 books, and has more than 1,100 publications. Also, Dr. Russo has spoken extensively on issues in Education Law in the thirty-four States and thirty-one nations outside of the US on all six inhabited continents.
Professor Schmitt's research explores issues of state power within our federal system. His has written extensively on Article IV of the Constitution, including the Property Clause, Full Faith and Credit Clause, and Fugitive Slave Clause. Professor Schmitt joined the faculty at the University of Dayton School of Law in 2016 and was appointed Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs in January 2020. He clerked for Judge Susan H. Black of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit and Judge Timothy J. Corrigan of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida. He also worked as an associate at Jones Day in Cleveland, Ohio. Professor Schmitt graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law, where he served as an essays editor on the Virginia Law Review. He received his bachelor's degree from Miami University.
Dalindyebo Shabalala is an Associate Professor at the University of Dayton Law School. His primary teaching responsibilities are in Contracts, as well as Intellectual Property and Business Law. Prof. Shabalala’s research focuses on the interaction of intellectual property law, especially patent law, with the rights of indigenous peoples and climate change law. He conducts research on the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional communities to their traditional knowledge and culture and the role of international intellectual property treaties in enabling or preventing the realization of those rights.
Victoria VanZandt joined the University of Dayton School of Law faculty in 2005 and in 2018 was appointed as the first Assistant Dean for the Law@Dayton Hybrid JD Program. She was previously the coordinator of the Legal Profession Program. A graduate of the law school, Professor VanZandt has experience as a retrospective case law editor for LexisNexis, a commercial litigation attorney specializing in commercial bankruptcy for Brant Moore Macdonald & Wells, P.A. in Jacksonville, Florida, and as a judicial law clerk for two years to the Honorable Jerry A. Funk, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge.